// The Global Gender Gap Report 2008
Norway (1) leads the world in closing the gender gap between men and women, according to the overall ranking in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2008. Three other Nordic countries – Finland (2), Sweden (3) and Iceland (4) – also top the Report’s Gender Gap Index.
日本の「男女平等指数」は98位に後退 世界経済フォーラム
AppleもGoogleも 同性婚支持を表明
Apple joins Google in fighting Prop. 8
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Apple Inc. is donating $100,000 to fight Proposition 8 ... Apple joins Google, which came out publicly against Prop. 8 last month. Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page reportedly have donated a combined $140,000 to fight the measure.
Apple.com > Hot News
No on Prop 8
October 24, 2008
Apple is publicly opposing Proposition 8 and making a donation of $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign. Apple was among the first California companies to offer equal rights and benefits to our employees’ same-sex partners, and we strongly believe that a person’s fundamental rights -- including the right to marry -- should not be affected by their sexual orientation. Apple views this as a civil rights issue, rather than just a political issue, and is therefore speaking out publicly against Proposition 8.
The Official Google Blog
Our position on California's No on 8 campaign
9/26/2008 03:23:00 PM
... we see this fundamentally as an issue of equality. We hope that California voters will vote no on Proposition 8 -- we should not eliminate anyone's fundamental rights, whatever their sexuality, to marry the person they love.
"Marrying You" - Green and Root | "I Do" - Maryann and Ron Sfarzo |
Apple joins Google in fighting Prop. 8
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Apple Inc. is donating $100,000 to fight Proposition 8 ... Apple joins Google, which came out publicly against Prop. 8 last month. Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page reportedly have donated a combined $140,000 to fight the measure.
Apple.com > Hot News
No on Prop 8
October 24, 2008
Apple is publicly opposing Proposition 8 and making a donation of $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign. Apple was among the first California companies to offer equal rights and benefits to our employees’ same-sex partners, and we strongly believe that a person’s fundamental rights -- including the right to marry -- should not be affected by their sexual orientation. Apple views this as a civil rights issue, rather than just a political issue, and is therefore speaking out publicly against Proposition 8.
The Official Google Blog
Our position on California's No on 8 campaign
9/26/2008 03:23:00 PM
... we see this fundamentally as an issue of equality. We hope that California voters will vote no on Proposition 8 -- we should not eliminate anyone's fundamental rights, whatever their sexuality, to marry the person they love.
言論自由指数を発表、 国境なき記者団 (RSF)
Reporters Without Borders / Reporters sans frontières (RSF)
Annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index - 2008
Only peace protects freedoms in post-9/11 world
читать на русском
It is not economic prosperity but peace that guarantees press freedom. That is the main lesson to be drawn from the world press freedom index that Reporters Without Borders compiles every year and from the 2008 edition, released today ... The economic disparities among the top 20 are immense. Iceland’s per capita GDP is 10 times Jamaica’s. What they have in common is a parliamentary democratic system, and not being involved in any war.
Reporters Without Borders / Reporters sans frontières (RSF)
Annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index - 2008
Only peace protects freedoms in post-9/11 world
читать на русском
It is not economic prosperity but peace that guarantees press freedom. That is the main lesson to be drawn from the world press freedom index that Reporters Without Borders compiles every year and from the 2008 edition, released today ... The economic disparities among the top 20 are immense. Iceland’s per capita GDP is 10 times Jamaica’s. What they have in common is a parliamentary democratic system, and not being involved in any war.
Rank | Country | Note |
1 | Iceland | 1,50 |
1 | Luxembourg | 1,50 |
1 | Norway | 1,50 |
4 | Estonia | 2,00 |
4 | Finland | 2,00 |
4 | Ireland | 2,00 |
: | : | : |
13 | Canada | 3,33 |
: | : | : |
23 | United Kingdom | 5,50 |
: | : | : |
28 | Australia | 6,25 |
29 | Japan | 6,50 |
: | : | : |
35 | France | 7,67 |
36 | United States of America | 8,00 |
格差は拡大しているか:OECD 諸国における所得分配と貧困
// 格差は拡大しているか:OECD 諸国における所得分配と貧困
長期的に見て所得格差は拡大しているのか。所得格差の拡大で誰が得をし、誰が損をしているのか。... 本報告書はOECD 加盟先進国30 カ国を対象としたものであり、少なくとも1980 年代半ばから、おそらくは1970 年代半ばから、所得格差が拡大していることを示している。... 児童貧困率は上昇しており ... 。多くの国は政策上、児童貧困率の上昇に現在より注視する必要がある。... 格差縮小への唯一の持続可能な方法は賃金と資本所得の根本的な拡大に歯止めをかけることである。特に、人々が就職でき、自身と家族を貧困状態に陥らせないだけの賃金を稼得できるようにしなければならない。
// Income inequality and poverty rising in most OECD countries
21/10/2008 - The gap between rich and poor has grown in more than three-quarters of OECD countries over the past two decades, according to a new OECD report.
OECD’s Growing Unequal? finds that the economic growth of recent decades has benefitted the rich more than the poor. In some countries, such as Canada, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway and the United States, the gap also increased between the rich and the middle-class.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs
Social Policies > Growing Unequal? Income Distribution and Poverty in OECD Countries
Income inequality and poverty rising (Video)
Growing Unequal? : Income Distribution and
Poverty in OECD Countries
Summary in English
Has income inequality increased over time? Who has gained and who has lost in this process? Has this process affected all OECD countries uniformly? ...This report looks at the 30 developed countries of the OECD. It shows that there has been an increase in income inequality that has gone on since at least the mid-1980s ... child poverty has increased, ... The increase in child poverty deserves more policy attention than it is currently receiving in many countries. ... The only sustainable way to reduce inequality is to stop the underlying widening of wages and income from capital. ... In particular, we have to make sure that people are capable of being in employment and earning wages that keep them and their families out of poverty.
Gap between rich, poor growing, OECD finds
BERLIN (AFP) — The gap between rich and poor has grown in most developed countries over the past 20 years, leading to an increase in child poverty, ...
'More inequality' in rich nations
The gap between rich and poor in most wealthy nations has widened, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has said. Across the 24 OECD countries where data was available, the cumulative rise in inequality was 7% over the past 20 years ...
Unequal growth, unequal recession?
A B Atkinson, Nuffield College, Oxford
Whether the burden of any recession is felt by some social groups and countries more than others depends largely on public policy. ... Small savers, as well as bankers, are affected by the financial crisis. Is it a case of “heads, the rich gain; tails, the poor lose”? ... If governments can take on the role of lender of last resort, then we should be willing to see government as the employer of last resort.
// 格差は拡大しているか:OECD 諸国における所得分配と貧困
長期的に見て所得格差は拡大しているのか。所得格差の拡大で誰が得をし、誰が損をしているのか。... 本報告書はOECD 加盟先進国30 カ国を対象としたものであり、少なくとも1980 年代半ばから、おそらくは1970 年代半ばから、所得格差が拡大していることを示している。... 児童貧困率は上昇しており ... 。多くの国は政策上、児童貧困率の上昇に現在より注視する必要がある。... 格差縮小への唯一の持続可能な方法は賃金と資本所得の根本的な拡大に歯止めをかけることである。特に、人々が就職でき、自身と家族を貧困状態に陥らせないだけの賃金を稼得できるようにしなければならない。
// Income inequality and poverty rising in most OECD countries
21/10/2008 - The gap between rich and poor has grown in more than three-quarters of OECD countries over the past two decades, according to a new OECD report.
OECD’s Growing Unequal? finds that the economic growth of recent decades has benefitted the rich more than the poor. In some countries, such as Canada, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway and the United States, the gap also increased between the rich and the middle-class.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs
Social Policies > Growing Unequal? Income Distribution and Poverty in OECD Countries
Income inequality and poverty rising (Video)
Growing Unequal? : Income Distribution and
Poverty in OECD Countries
Summary in English
Has income inequality increased over time? Who has gained and who has lost in this process? Has this process affected all OECD countries uniformly? ...This report looks at the 30 developed countries of the OECD. It shows that there has been an increase in income inequality that has gone on since at least the mid-1980s ... child poverty has increased, ... The increase in child poverty deserves more policy attention than it is currently receiving in many countries. ... The only sustainable way to reduce inequality is to stop the underlying widening of wages and income from capital. ... In particular, we have to make sure that people are capable of being in employment and earning wages that keep them and their families out of poverty.
Gap between rich, poor growing, OECD finds
BERLIN (AFP) — The gap between rich and poor has grown in most developed countries over the past 20 years, leading to an increase in child poverty, ...
'More inequality' in rich nations
The gap between rich and poor in most wealthy nations has widened, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has said. Across the 24 OECD countries where data was available, the cumulative rise in inequality was 7% over the past 20 years ...
Unequal growth, unequal recession?
A B Atkinson, Nuffield College, Oxford
Whether the burden of any recession is felt by some social groups and countries more than others depends largely on public policy. ... Small savers, as well as bankers, are affected by the financial crisis. Is it a case of “heads, the rich gain; tails, the poor lose”? ... If governments can take on the role of lender of last resort, then we should be willing to see government as the employer of last resort.
レガタム繁栄指数で豪が1位 アジア太平洋地域上昇
Accounting for Happiness: The 2008 Legatum Prosperity Index
What does it mean to prosper? Is prosperity just the accumulation of material wealth, or are there other determinants to overall well-being? Why is there a great divide in life satisfaction between Denmark and Hong Kong despite their seemingly equal levels of prosperity?
// Australia tops global prosperity index
October 15, 2008
"Strong norms or civic participation, robust health, and plenty of leisure time contribute to the high liveability ranking."
While Asian powerhouses Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong scored well economically, their livability dragged down their performance.
"True prosperity consists of more than money - it also includes happiness, health and liberty," he said.
"The Prosperity Index shows that in addition to economic success, a society's prosperity is based on strong families and communities, political and religious liberty, education and opportunity, and a healthy environment.
The 2008 Legatum Prosperity Index
The 2008 Legatum Prosperity Index (PDF)
"... Several Nordic countries score very well on liveability indicators, but poorly on some wealth drivers, most notably in the promotion of entrepreneurship. Many Asian countries on the other hand, score well on the economic competitiveness indicators, but have comparative weaknesses in liveability, including limited equality of opportunity for women, a degraded natural environment, and long working hours."
レガタム繁栄指数で豪が1位 アジア太平洋地域上昇
Accounting for Happiness: The 2008 Legatum Prosperity Index
What does it mean to prosper? Is prosperity just the accumulation of material wealth, or are there other determinants to overall well-being? Why is there a great divide in life satisfaction between Denmark and Hong Kong despite their seemingly equal levels of prosperity?
// Australia tops global prosperity index
October 15, 2008
"Strong norms or civic participation, robust health, and plenty of leisure time contribute to the high liveability ranking."
While Asian powerhouses Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong scored well economically, their livability dragged down their performance.
"True prosperity consists of more than money - it also includes happiness, health and liberty," he said.
"The Prosperity Index shows that in addition to economic success, a society's prosperity is based on strong families and communities, political and religious liberty, education and opportunity, and a healthy environment.
The 2008 Legatum Prosperity Index
The 2008 Legatum Prosperity Index (PDF)
"... Several Nordic countries score very well on liveability indicators, but poorly on some wealth drivers, most notably in the promotion of entrepreneurship. Many Asian countries on the other hand, score well on the economic competitiveness indicators, but have comparative weaknesses in liveability, including limited equality of opportunity for women, a degraded natural environment, and long working hours."
ガンダーウェア(Gunderwear)・モデルオーディション 開催、豪空港で
// New airport body scanners spark privacy debate
By Adrian Raschella
The Government has defended controversial new airport body scanners as safe, but prominent civil libertarian Terry O'Gorman says the technology is an invasion of privacy....
Using this technology, security officers can detect metal and plastic weapons and also they can see through your clothes....
Mr O'Gorman, who heads the Council for Civil Liberties, says the technology is a "total invasion of privacy", allowing virtual strip searches and has overstepped the mark.
... there will then be calls for it to be introduced at public malls to deal with teenagers...//
// New airport body scanners spark privacy debate
By Adrian Raschella
The Government has defended controversial new airport body scanners as safe, but prominent civil libertarian Terry O'Gorman says the technology is an invasion of privacy....
Using this technology, security officers can detect metal and plastic weapons and also they can see through your clothes....
Mr O'Gorman, who heads the Council for Civil Liberties, says the technology is a "total invasion of privacy", allowing virtual strip searches and has overstepped the mark.
... there will then be calls for it to be introduced at public malls to deal with teenagers...//
Tourism Australia's campaign by Baz Luhrmann:
"Sometimes we have to get lost to find ourselves. Sometimes we gotta go walkabout"
walkabout A temporary return to traditional Aboriginal life, taken especially between periods of work or residence in white society and usually involving a period of travel through the bush.
Walkabout is an Australian English word originally referring to the belief of non-indigenous Australians that Aboriginies were prone to "go walkabout" - a pidgin expression meaning that they would stop doing their jobs and wander through the bush for weeks at a time. This was a time of reflection and a chance to connect with nature and to rediscover one’s self.
Walkabout may be used to refer to a person's desire to travel without a planned itinerary or set destination.
Tourism Australia's campaign by Baz Luhrmann:
"Sometimes we have to get lost to find ourselves. Sometimes we gotta go walkabout"
walkabout A temporary return to traditional Aboriginal life, taken especially between periods of work or residence in white society and usually involving a period of travel through the bush.
Walkabout is an Australian English word originally referring to the belief of non-indigenous Australians that Aboriginies were prone to "go walkabout" - a pidgin expression meaning that they would stop doing their jobs and wander through the bush for weeks at a time. This was a time of reflection and a chance to connect with nature and to rediscover one’s self.
Walkabout may be used to refer to a person's desire to travel without a planned itinerary or set destination.
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man
// Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man
Mama told me when I was young
Come sit beside me, my only son ...
Take your time, dont live too fast,
Troubles will come and they will pass ...
And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.
Wont you do this for me son,
If you can?
Forget your lust for the rich mans gold
All that you need is in your soul,
And you can do this if you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied....//
// Walden by Henry David Thoreau
10. Baker Farm
An honest, hard-working, but shiftless man plainly was John Field; and his wife ... told me his story, how hard he worked "bogging" for a neighboring farmer ... I tried to help him with my experience, ... that I did not use tea, nor coffee, nor butter, nor milk, nor fresh meat, and so did not have to work to get them; again, as I did not work hard, I did not have to eat hard, and it cost me but a trifle for my food; but as he began with tea, and coffee, and butter, and milk, and beef, he had to work hard to pay for them ... he was discontented and wasted his life into the bargain; and yet he had rated it as a gain in coming to America, that here you could get tea, and coffee, and meat every day. But the only true America is that country where you are at liberty to pursue such a mode of life as may enable you to do without these, and where the state does not endeavor to compel you to sustain the slavery and war and other superfluous expenses which directly or indirectly result from the use of such things... If he and his family would live simply, they might all go a-huckleberrying in the summer for their amusement. John heaved a sigh at this, and his wife stared with arms a-kimbo... But as I ran down the hill toward the reddening west, with the rainbow over my shoulder, and some faint tinkling sounds borne to my ear through the cleansed air, from I know not what quarter, my Good Genius seemed to say ... Let the thunder rumble; what if it threaten ruin to farmers' crops? That is not its errand to thee. Take shelter under the cloud, while they flee to carts and sheds. Let not to get a living be thy trade, but thy sport. Enjoy the land, but own it not. Through want of enterprise and faith men are where they are, buying and selling, and spending their lives like serfs. //
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man
// Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man
Mama told me when I was young
Come sit beside me, my only son ...
Take your time, dont live too fast,
Troubles will come and they will pass ...
And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.
Wont you do this for me son,
If you can?
Forget your lust for the rich mans gold
All that you need is in your soul,
And you can do this if you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied....//
// Walden by Henry David Thoreau
10. Baker Farm
An honest, hard-working, but shiftless man plainly was John Field; and his wife ... told me his story, how hard he worked "bogging" for a neighboring farmer ... I tried to help him with my experience, ... that I did not use tea, nor coffee, nor butter, nor milk, nor fresh meat, and so did not have to work to get them; again, as I did not work hard, I did not have to eat hard, and it cost me but a trifle for my food; but as he began with tea, and coffee, and butter, and milk, and beef, he had to work hard to pay for them ... he was discontented and wasted his life into the bargain; and yet he had rated it as a gain in coming to America, that here you could get tea, and coffee, and meat every day. But the only true America is that country where you are at liberty to pursue such a mode of life as may enable you to do without these, and where the state does not endeavor to compel you to sustain the slavery and war and other superfluous expenses which directly or indirectly result from the use of such things... If he and his family would live simply, they might all go a-huckleberrying in the summer for their amusement. John heaved a sigh at this, and his wife stared with arms a-kimbo... But as I ran down the hill toward the reddening west, with the rainbow over my shoulder, and some faint tinkling sounds borne to my ear through the cleansed air, from I know not what quarter, my Good Genius seemed to say ... Let the thunder rumble; what if it threaten ruin to farmers' crops? That is not its errand to thee. Take shelter under the cloud, while they flee to carts and sheds. Let not to get a living be thy trade, but thy sport. Enjoy the land, but own it not. Through want of enterprise and faith men are where they are, buying and selling, and spending their lives like serfs. //
Inner Light - George Harrison | Inner Light - Jeff Lynne & Anoushka Shankar |
// Inner Light - George Harrison
Without going out of my door,
I can know all things on earth
without looking out of my window,
I can know the ways of heaven.
The farther one travels
the less one knows
the less one really knows.
Arrive without travelling,
See all without looking,
Do all without doing. //
- 『老子道徳経』
Happiness is a chemical
OPINION: Ruth Ostrow | September 27, 2008
More real and more sustainable is contentment. As one contented person told me: “I find pleasure in simple things nowadays. My life isn’t thrilling, but it’s deeply satisfying.” Perhaps as a species we need the quest for the Holy Grail to keep us performing. But for me and many other recovering happiness junkies, the thing we most crave now is an end to the craving. Contentment is the road home.
"I have discovered that all the unhappiness of men arises from one single fact, that they cannot stay quietly in their own chamber. A man who has enough to live on, if he knew how to stay with pleasure at home, would not leave it to go to sea or to besiege a town." - Pensées (1670), Blaise Pascal
- 『菜根譚』
- 『老子道徳経』
How to ... be content
Saturday September 27 2008
Happiness is a fine marmalade but contentment is a citrus grove. Children are naturally content because they don't know any different. It's the knowledge of difference that breeds discontent and it's when you finally realise that difference makes no difference that you can reclaim contentment. ...It may sound dull, but being content is a profoundly radical position. It means you have no outstanding needs that other people, events or corporations can satisfy. You can't be manipulated, corrupted, conned, heartbroken or sold unnecessary insurance policies. ...Being happy with your lot seems to be the essence of contentment. ...Restless discontent is often held up as the great wellspring of personal and artistic progress. ... It's worth remembering your lot can quite easily be an epic struggle against overwhelming odds but, even if it is, you can still be content with it.
- 『無門關』
- 馬祖道一禅師 (709年 - 788年)
スローライフ 、スローデザイン
Days - Jon Anderson | Take Your Time - Jon Anderson |
Eko-Laborative Fashion Week Exhibit
"Eko-Laborative was a fine example of slow design ..."
● Plantware
● grown furniture
"Short-Haired, Yellow-Bellied, Son Of Tricky Dicky"
// Just Gimme Some Truth - John Lennon
Im sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
I've had enough of reading things
By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope ... //
救済案に反対するデモ活動 :
"People Over Profit"
// Just Gimme Some Truth - John Lennon
Im sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
I've had enough of reading things
By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope ... //
救済案に反対するデモ活動 :
"People Over Profit"
2008 腐敗認識指数を発表した
Iggy Pop - Corruption
Transparency International
23 September 2008
Persistently high corruption in low-income countries amounts to an “ongoing humanitarian disaster”
Against a backdrop of continued corporate scandal, wealthy countries backsliding too
Complete list ....
Iggy Pop - Corruption
Transparency International
23 September 2008
Persistently high corruption in low-income countries amounts to an “ongoing humanitarian disaster”
Against a backdrop of continued corporate scandal, wealthy countries backsliding too
country rank | country | 2008 CPI score | surveys used | confidence range |
1 | Denmark | 9,3 | 6 | 9.1 - 9.4 |
1 | New Zealand | 9,3 | 6 | 9.2 - 9.5 |
1 | Sweden | 9,3 | 6 | 9.2 - 9.4 |
4 | Singapore | 9,2 | 9 | 9.0 - 9.3 |
5 | Finland | 9,0 | 6 | 8.4 - 9.4 |
5 | Switzerland | 9,0 | 6 | 8.7 - 9.2 |
7 | Iceland | 8,9 | 5 | 8.1 - 9.4 |
7 | Netherlands | 8,9 | 6 | 8.5 - 9.1 |
9 | Australia | 8,7 | 8 | 8.2 - 9.1 |
9 | Canada | 8,7 | 6 | 8.4 - 9.1 |
11 | Luxembourg | 8,3 | 6 | 7.8 - 8.8 |
12 | Austria | 8,1 | 6 | 7.6 - 8.6 |
12 | Hong Kong | 8,1 | 8 | 7.5 - 8.6 |
14 | Germany | 7,9 | 6 | 7.5 - 8.2 |
14 | Norway | 7,9 | 6 | 7.5 - 8.3 |
16 | Ireland | 7,7 | 6 | 7.5 - 7.9 |
16 | United Kingdom | 7,7 | 6 | 7.2 - 8.1 |
18 | Belgium | 7,3 | 6 | 7.2 - 7.4 |
18 | Japan | 7,3 | 8 | 7.0 - 7.6 |
18 | USA | 7,3 | 8 | 6.7 - 7.7 |
Complete list ....
Dir en Grey - Agitated Screams Of Maggots
"our political views may be an integral part of our physical makeup"
18 September 2008
By Matt McGrath
Science reporter, BBC World Service
"... physiological responses to a series of images and sounds ... people who are sensitive to fear or threat are likely to support a right wing agenda .... were more easily startled ... these political positions were protective of the volunteers' social groups"
Dir en Grey - Agitated Screams Of Maggots
"our political views may be an integral part of our physical makeup"
18 September 2008
By Matt McGrath
Science reporter, BBC World Service
"... physiological responses to a series of images and sounds ... people who are sensitive to fear or threat are likely to support a right wing agenda .... were more easily startled ... these political positions were protective of the volunteers' social groups"
HAWKWIND - Master Of The Universe
// Science unveils hidden drivers of stock bubbles and crashes
Sep 19, 2008
"In standard economic theory, ... This way of looking at things is almost completely wrong..."
"The 'Master of the Universe' really does believe in his own invincibility," Mr Tuckett said.
"Even though many of the traders I interviewed told me 'this boom can't go on forever', they kept on investing in it."// - AFP
HAWKWIND - Master Of The Universe
// Science unveils hidden drivers of stock bubbles and crashes
Sep 19, 2008
"In standard economic theory, ... This way of looking at things is almost completely wrong..."
"The 'Master of the Universe' really does believe in his own invincibility," Mr Tuckett said.
"Even though many of the traders I interviewed told me 'this boom can't go on forever', they kept on investing in it."// - AFP
岡林信康 山谷ブルース 1968 | 岡林信康 山谷ブルース 2008 |
Author analyses consequences of deregulation
18 September , 2008
MARK COLVIN: The Canadian writer Ronald Wright, whose latest book is "What is America?" says the current financial crisis has roots deep in the last decade of deregulation.
A world of inequality
September 18 2008
As economies slow down, people in the developing world who did not gain from the boom will face deteriorating conditions.... Contrary to general perception, most people in the developing world did not gain from that boom.
Exploiting Poverty Caused The Financial Crisis
September 18, 2008
But instead of prioritizing poor and even middle class families who are increasingly struggling, our government is spending billions and billions to bail out the Wall Street firms that created this crisis. Instead, we should be spending our taxpayer money to help the families who were taken advantage of in the "anything goes" unregulated financial system that years of misguided never-really-did-trickle-down economic policy created.
Wall St rallies, Bush vows more action
Sep 19, 2008
Wall Street staged its biggest one-day rally in six years overnight as US President George W Bush vowed his administration would meet the challenges of the global financial crisis and the US Federal Reserve injected $US180 billion ($224 billion) into the banking system.
Socialism: Brought to You by the Republican Party
September 17, 2008
Why won't anyone (anyone!) among our nation's leaders call this government bailout business what it is -- corporate socialism?
「法人社会主義」-- 利潤の私有化、リスクと違法行為の社会化--は、資本主義的規範を消滅させつつある。
McCain Says U.S. Should Let AIG Fail to Prevent `Moral Hazard'
By Nancy Moran
Sept. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Republican presidential nominee John McCain said the U.S. government should let American International Group Inc. fail to prevent the financial burden from being placed on taxpayers.
House Republicans Criticize U.S. Action on Crisis (Update3)
By Brian Faler
Sept. 18 (Bloomberg) -- ...``These massive federal bailouts have exposed taxpayers to literally tens of billions of dollars of new risk,'' and created a ``moral hazard where companies are absolved, not punished, for excessive risk taking,'' the letter said.
Bailout raises moral issues
Sept. 15, 2008
... Is it fair that innocent taxpayers must now pay for their mistakes? ... The world is discovering capitalism and its power to transform economies. But capitalism relies on good faith. A perception of unfair treatment can be deadly to economic growth, because it means that people will lose trust in businesses, and hence be less willing to offer to them their precious capital and labor. Is that outcome morally superior to a bailout?
米貧困層12.5%へ増加、無保険率は15.3%へ減少 2007年米国民所得状況
Where’s the Prosperity?
Published: August 26, 2008
A closer look confirms what Americans already know: most families reaped none of the benefits of the previous six years of solid economic growth. Median household income last year was still 0.6 percent less than it was in 2000 ... The number of people living under the poverty line rose by 5.7 million since 2000, to 12.5 percent of the population. And the number of impoverished children increased to 18 percent.... What is clear is that economic growth alone will not cut it for most American families. The benefits must be shared more broadly. This means more progressive taxation, increasing access to affordable health care, investing more in public education.
// 今週の本棚:伊東光晴・評 『格差はつくられた』=ポール・クルーグマン著
Most rich nations stagnant or near recession - IMF
Fri Sep 19, 2008
Wall Street crisis raises questions over IMF inaction
The International Monetary Fund has in the past been accused of treating rich countries with kid gloves. Its critics had a point
Mark Tran
Thursday September 18 2008
CBI predicts 'shallow recession' and 2m jobless
By Sean O'Grady, Economics Editor
Monday, 15 September 2008
Canadian economy faces further challenges despite dodging brunt of U.S. troubles
TORONTO — The American economy has been battered and left bleeding from scuffles with the credit crunch and a bout with subprime mortgages but so far its Canadian cousin has walked away with only some scratches and bruises.
In hard times, tent cities rise across the country
By Evelyn Nieves
Font Scale:
Posted 19 September 2008
Nearly 61 percent of local and state homeless coalitions say they've experienced a rise in homelessness since the foreclosure crisis began in 2007, according to a report by the National Coalition for the Homeless. The group says the problem has worsened since the report's release in April, with foreclosures mounting, gas and food prices rising and the job market tightening. "It's clear that poverty and homelessness have increased," said Michael Stoops, acting executive director of the coalition.
Fear shrivels US
Geoffrey Garrett
September 19, 2008
The halcyon days of high-paying, secure jobs in steel, automobiles and other American manufacturing industries are long gone. It is no surprise that the immediate reaction of the candidates to this week's bloodbath has been to rail against the Bush administration as aiding and abetting the gargantuan excesses of the super elite gambling away the country's hard-earned money on the Wall Street casino.
社説:米国発金融危機 日本は緊急施策の見直しを
毎日新聞 2008年9月18日
Billy Joel-Allentown
Slum tours: a day trip too far?
May 7 2006
A new travel experience gives visitors a glimpse into the harsh lives of Delhi's street children. But is it a worthy initiative or just an example of voyeuristic 'poorism', asks Amelia Gentleman
Poverty tourism: A dose of reality
Guides explain the concept—and how to find an excursion right for you
Feb. 4, 2008
While the critics of so-called "poverty tourism" say that it exploits people, turning neighborhoods into zoos, the tours' organizers argue that it can raise awareness about poverty, fight stereotypes, and bring money into areas that don't benefit from tourism. ... Good intentions aren't always enough, however, and these excursions should be approached with sensitivity.
Poorism? What Is Inequality Coming To?
Posted March 11, 2008 | 03:46 PM (EST)
It says something about the extremities of inequality in our world when rich people are now paying money to take tours of poor people.
Slum tours: a day trip too far?
May 7 2006
A new travel experience gives visitors a glimpse into the harsh lives of Delhi's street children. But is it a worthy initiative or just an example of voyeuristic 'poorism', asks Amelia Gentleman
Poverty tourism: A dose of reality
Guides explain the concept—and how to find an excursion right for you
Feb. 4, 2008
While the critics of so-called "poverty tourism" say that it exploits people, turning neighborhoods into zoos, the tours' organizers argue that it can raise awareness about poverty, fight stereotypes, and bring money into areas that don't benefit from tourism. ... Good intentions aren't always enough, however, and these excursions should be approached with sensitivity.
Poorism? What Is Inequality Coming To?
Posted March 11, 2008 | 03:46 PM (EST)
It says something about the extremities of inequality in our world when rich people are now paying money to take tours of poor people.
UK news media ignores the realities of poverty according to Joseph Rowntree study
10 September 2008
Poverty and the effects of economic exclusion are largely ignored by the UK news media according to a new report by a major research charity. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation today releases a study showing that poverty is only a marginal issue in the news and that journalists rarely explore the causes or consequences.
A poor show on UK poverty
September 15 2008
... not, he said, "a Sunday-morning read". The pictures did not show a place "where I would want to go for a Sunday-morning walk".... being indifferent to poverty.... The media's attitudes are well illustrated by coverage of a recent report from the World Health Organisation. It concluded that "social injustice is killing people on a grand scale".
The media, poverty and public opinion in the UK
This report analyses how the media reports UK poverty and its impact on public understanding and opinion.
Publication date: 10 September 2008
Published by: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
PDF File size: 0.38MB
Poverty is UK's hidden child killer
August 24 2008
Government has failed to tackle the epidemic of chronic illness and early deaths among the most disadvantaged in society, says a new report
Poverty triples likelihood of mental health problems
Children from disadvantaged families are three times more likely to suffer from mental health problems than those from wealthier families, according to new research.
UK news media ignores the realities of poverty according to Joseph Rowntree study
10 September 2008
Poverty and the effects of economic exclusion are largely ignored by the UK news media according to a new report by a major research charity. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation today releases a study showing that poverty is only a marginal issue in the news and that journalists rarely explore the causes or consequences.
A poor show on UK poverty
September 15 2008
... not, he said, "a Sunday-morning read". The pictures did not show a place "where I would want to go for a Sunday-morning walk".... being indifferent to poverty.... The media's attitudes are well illustrated by coverage of a recent report from the World Health Organisation. It concluded that "social injustice is killing people on a grand scale".
The media, poverty and public opinion in the UK
This report analyses how the media reports UK poverty and its impact on public understanding and opinion.
Publication date: 10 September 2008
Published by: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
PDF File size: 0.38MB
Poverty is UK's hidden child killer
August 24 2008
Government has failed to tackle the epidemic of chronic illness and early deaths among the most disadvantaged in society, says a new report
Poverty triples likelihood of mental health problems
Children from disadvantaged families are three times more likely to suffer from mental health problems than those from wealthier families, according to new research.
百千万億劫 ... Bang! 小千世界、中千世界、大千世界 ... 三千大千世界だわね
"When it comes to atoms, language can only be used as in poetry. The poet, too, is not so concerned with describing facts as with creating images" - Niels Bohr
And when it comes to LHC (Large Hadron Collider), language can be used as in Hip-Hop. The rapper, with her percussive verses, is as concerned with describing facts as with creating images:D
Next Stop: The Fourth Dimension, With Large Hadron Collider Experiments
How did the universe come to be? ... Can science prove that there are other dimensions? ... The notion of new dimensions is stranger than science fiction, though the possibility of their existence is quite real. Prof. Etzion believes that other dimensions may exist in parallel to ours, but that -- until now -- they were too small for us to experimentally detect. “For the first time we will reach a new energy scale in our lab, the Tera electron volt regime, and we expect to discover new phenomena there,” he says. “At such high energies, we may be able to stimulate particles to jump through dimensions and can measure this by the disappearance of mass or energy, or the appearance of new excited state towers of particles.” Prof. Etzion’s research falls within a branch of theoretical physics known as string theory.
Fingers Crossed, Physicists Are Ready for Collider to Roll
The collider, 14 years and $8 billion in the making, is the most expensive scientific experiment to date. Thousands of physicists from dozens of countries have been involved in building the collider and its huge particle detectors. It is designed to accelerate protons to energies of seven trillion electron volts — seven times the energy of the next largest machine in the world, Fermilab’s Tevatron — and smash them together.... At stake is a suite of theories called the Standard Model, which explains all of particle physics to date, but which breaks down at the conditions that existed in the earliest moments of the universe. The new collider will eventually reach temperatures and energies equivalent to those at a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang. There are many theories about what will happen, including the emergence of a particle known as the Higgs boson, which is hypothesized to endow other particles with mass, or the identity of the mysterious dark matter that provides the invisible scaffolding of galaxies and the cosmos. But nobody really knows for sure, which is part of the fun ... The whole world will be watching.
BBC - Big Bang Day
Radio 4 joins CERN on 10 September 2008 as scientists attempt to discover more about the origins of the Universe by recreating the aftermath of the Big Bang.
'Will the Collider be able to prove to scientists that many other dimensions exist as well as ours?'
'What are the possibilities of multiple Big Bangs creating multiple parallel universes?'
BBC > Atom: The Illusion of Reality
The final part of Professor Jim Al-Khalili's documentary series about the basic building block of our universe, the atom. He explores how studying the atom forced us to rethink the nature of reality itself, discovers how there might be parallel universes in which different versions of us exist and finds out that 'empty' space isn't empty at all. Al-Khalili shows how the world we think we know turns out to be a tiny sliver of an infinitely weirder universe than which we could have conceived.
"When it comes to atoms, language can only be used as in poetry. The poet, too, is not so concerned with describing facts as with creating images" - Niels Bohr
And when it comes to LHC (Large Hadron Collider), language can be used as in Hip-Hop. The rapper, with her percussive verses, is as concerned with describing facts as with creating images:D
Next Stop: The Fourth Dimension, With Large Hadron Collider Experiments
How did the universe come to be? ... Can science prove that there are other dimensions? ... The notion of new dimensions is stranger than science fiction, though the possibility of their existence is quite real. Prof. Etzion believes that other dimensions may exist in parallel to ours, but that -- until now -- they were too small for us to experimentally detect. “For the first time we will reach a new energy scale in our lab, the Tera electron volt regime, and we expect to discover new phenomena there,” he says. “At such high energies, we may be able to stimulate particles to jump through dimensions and can measure this by the disappearance of mass or energy, or the appearance of new excited state towers of particles.” Prof. Etzion’s research falls within a branch of theoretical physics known as string theory.
Fingers Crossed, Physicists Are Ready for Collider to Roll
The collider, 14 years and $8 billion in the making, is the most expensive scientific experiment to date. Thousands of physicists from dozens of countries have been involved in building the collider and its huge particle detectors. It is designed to accelerate protons to energies of seven trillion electron volts — seven times the energy of the next largest machine in the world, Fermilab’s Tevatron — and smash them together.... At stake is a suite of theories called the Standard Model, which explains all of particle physics to date, but which breaks down at the conditions that existed in the earliest moments of the universe. The new collider will eventually reach temperatures and energies equivalent to those at a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang. There are many theories about what will happen, including the emergence of a particle known as the Higgs boson, which is hypothesized to endow other particles with mass, or the identity of the mysterious dark matter that provides the invisible scaffolding of galaxies and the cosmos. But nobody really knows for sure, which is part of the fun ... The whole world will be watching.
BBC - Big Bang Day
Radio 4 joins CERN on 10 September 2008 as scientists attempt to discover more about the origins of the Universe by recreating the aftermath of the Big Bang.
'Will the Collider be able to prove to scientists that many other dimensions exist as well as ours?'
'What are the possibilities of multiple Big Bangs creating multiple parallel universes?'
BBC > Atom: The Illusion of Reality
The final part of Professor Jim Al-Khalili's documentary series about the basic building block of our universe, the atom. He explores how studying the atom forced us to rethink the nature of reality itself, discovers how there might be parallel universes in which different versions of us exist and finds out that 'empty' space isn't empty at all. Al-Khalili shows how the world we think we know turns out to be a tiny sliver of an infinitely weirder universe than which we could have conceived.
健康格差は 不健全な社会政策や経済的な不公平など
Time for Change - Motley Crue | Time And A Word - YES |
// Inequities are killing people on a "grand scale" reports WHO's Commission
"(The) toxic combination of bad policies, economics, and politics is, in large measure responsible for the fact that a majority of people in the world do not enjoy the good health that is biologically possible"
"Social injustice is killing people on a grand scale."
Health inequities – unfair, unjust and avoidable causes of ill health – have long been measured between countries but the Commission documents "health gradients" within countries as well.
Economic growth is raising incomes in many countries but increasing national wealth alone does not necessarily increase national health. Without equitable distribution of benefits, national growth can even exacerbate inequities.
Based on this compelling evidence, the Commission makes three overarching recommendations to tackle the "corrosive effects of inequality of life chances":
* Improve daily living conditions, including the circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work and age.
* Tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money and resources – the structural drivers of those conditions – globally, nationally and locally.
* Measure and understand the problem and assess the impact of action.
Hippy Hippy Shake - Chan Romero | Hippy Hippy Shake - Swinging Blue Jeans |
Hippie Hippie Shake (2008)
Plot: An account of counterculturalist Richard Neville's ....
// The Push
.... Anti-authoritarian, anti-elitist, anti-careerist and anti-censorship, these men and women chose an eccentric lifestyle that united social and political criticism with drinking, gambling, sex and anarchy....
Key members of the Push
Reflecting a general aversion to ambition and career success, many of the figures in The Push are names that are not well recognised in Australia or internationally.
Oz magazine was launched in 1963 .... Richard Neville and Richard Walsh were its editors and renowned Australian designer Martin Sharp did many of the graphics. Many of the contributors to Oz were part of the Sydney Push ....
The group shared an anti-authoritarian stance with anarchists. However, they were critical of utopian ideals (ideals founded on a belief in an imaginary perfection) within anarchy that looked toward a future 'free' society. Libertarians were more interested in the here and now. They rejected the values of family, sobriety, authority and work put forward by the Menzies government of the time. However, they did not align themselves with either the Labor or the Communist parties. ... like most baby boomers, the Push members were young and optimistic, jobs were plentiful, intellectual curiosity was encouraged in universities and more people were seeking a 'bohemian' lifestyle.
// (source: The Push - Australia's Culture Portal)
Oz Magazine (1963-1973)
In Australia, the editors - Richard Neville, Richard Walsh, and Martin Sharp - were charged under obscenity laws. In England, Neville, Felix Dennis, and Jim Anderson were put on trial for corrupting public morals. ... The London editions of Oz magazine (1967-1973) ...
London OZ (January 1967 - November 1973)
A Rough Guide to OZ and Some Stuff Therein ...
Street View、オーストラリアと日本でも提供開始
大きな地図で見る Olympic Dr., シドニー, オーストラリア
大きな地図で見る 「無縁坂」(東京都文京区湯島四丁目)
さだまさし - 「無縁坂」 | Sada Masashi - "Muenzaka"
大きな地図で見る 「無縁坂」(東京都文京区湯島四丁目)
大きな地図で見る Olympic Dr., シドニー, オーストラリア
大きな地図で見る 「無縁坂」(東京都文京区湯島四丁目)
さだまさし - 「無縁坂」 | Sada Masashi - "Muenzaka"
大きな地図で見る 「無縁坂」(東京都文京区湯島四丁目)
Pricey Cities: London=3rd; Tokyo=2nd; and ...
Drowning past regrets in a cup of lukewarm bitter-sweet is much more dearer in Moscow than in the west ...
London may be costly, but it's cheap compared with Moscow and Tokyo
July 24, 2008
If you think a coffee in London is expensive, don't move to Moscow - or Tokyo, for that matter. ... The survey found that one cup of coffee including service would cost on average £2.20 in London, compared with £5.19 in Moscow and £2.57 in Tokyo. Similarly, a copy of an international daily newspaper would set you back £3.05 in Moscow compared with just £1.50 in Britain.
Moscow tops list of pricey cities
Thursday, 24 July 2008
The research by human resources firm Mercer took account of expenses such as rent, eating out and petrol. Moscow has particularly expensive coffee, with a cup in a cafe costing $10.40 (£5.19) including service. Tokyo climbed two spots into second place in the survey, followed by London, which dropped one place into third and Oslo, which came fourth. The survey compared the cost of 200 items in 143 cities.
Mercer's 2008 Cost of Living survey highlights
Last updated: : 23 July 2008
Black coffee(1949) Sarah Vaughan I'm feelin' mighty lonesome, haven't slept a wink; I walk the floor from nine to four, in between I drink Black coffee ... Now man is born to come a-lovin', And a woman's born to weep and fret To stay at home and tend her oven And drown her past regrets in coffee and cigarettes. |
Drowning past regrets in a cup of lukewarm bitter-sweet is much more dearer in Moscow than in the west ...
London may be costly, but it's cheap compared with Moscow and Tokyo
July 24, 2008
If you think a coffee in London is expensive, don't move to Moscow - or Tokyo, for that matter. ... The survey found that one cup of coffee including service would cost on average £2.20 in London, compared with £5.19 in Moscow and £2.57 in Tokyo. Similarly, a copy of an international daily newspaper would set you back £3.05 in Moscow compared with just £1.50 in Britain.
Moscow tops list of pricey cities
Thursday, 24 July 2008
The research by human resources firm Mercer took account of expenses such as rent, eating out and petrol. Moscow has particularly expensive coffee, with a cup in a cafe costing $10.40 (£5.19) including service. Tokyo climbed two spots into second place in the survey, followed by London, which dropped one place into third and Oslo, which came fourth. The survey compared the cost of 200 items in 143 cities.
Mercer's 2008 Cost of Living survey highlights
Last updated: : 23 July 2008
Rank March 2008 | Rank March 2007 | City | Country | Cost of living Index March 2008 | Cost of living Index March 2007 |
1 | 1 | Moscow | Russia | 142.4 | 134.4 |
2 | 4 | Tokyo | Japan | 127.0 | 122.1 |
3 | 2 | London | UK | 125.0 | 126.3 |
4 | 10 | Oslo | Norway | 118.3 | 105.8 |
5 | 3 | Seoul | South Korea | 117.7 | 122.4 |
6 | 5 | Hong Kong | China | 117.6 | 119.4 |
7 | 6 | Copenhagen | Denmark | 117.2 | 110.2 |
8 | 7 | Geneva | Switzerland | 115.8 | 109.8 |
9 | 9 | Zurich | Switzerland | 112.7 | 107.6 |
10 | 11 | Milan | Italy | 111.3 | 104.4 |
11 | 8 | Osaka | Japan | 110.0 | 108.4 |
12 | 13 | Paris | France | 109.4 | 101.4 |
13 | 14 | Singapore | Singapore | 109.1 | 100.4 |
14 | 17 | Tel Aviv | Israel | 105.0 | 97.7 |
15 | 21 | Sydney | Australia | 104.1 | 94.9 |
16 | 16 | Dublin | Ireland | 103.9 | 99.6 |
16 | 18 | Rome | Italy | 103.9 | 97.6 |
18 | 12 | St. Petersburg | Russia | 103.1 | 103.0 |
19 | 19 | Vienna | Austria | 102.3 | 96.9 |
20 | 20 | Beijing | China | 101.9 | 95.9 |
21 | 22 | Helsinki | Finland | 101.1 | 93.3 |
22 | 15 | New York City | US | 100.0 | 100.0 |
23 | 38 | Istanbul | Turkey | 99.4 | 87.7 |
24 | 26 | Shanghai | China | 98.3 | 92.1 |
25 | 25 | Amsterdam | Netherlands | 97.0 | 92.2 |
25 | 29 | Athens | Greece | 97.0 | 90.6 |
25 | 62 | São Paulo | Brazil | 97.0 | 82.8 |
28 | 26 | Madrid | Spain | 96.7 | 92.1 |
29 | 49 | Prague | Czech Rep. | 96.0 | 85.6 |
30 | 37 | Lagos | Nigeria | 95.9 | 88.0 |
31 | 31 | Barcelona | Spain | 95.2 | 89.2 |
31 | 64 | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | 95.2 | 82.5 |
31 | 23 | Stockholm | Sweden | 95.2 | 93.1 |
34 | 24 | Douala | Cameroon | 95.1 | 92.9 |
35 | 67 | Warsaw | Poland | 95.0 | 82.4 |
36 | 64 | Melbourne | Australia | 94.2 | 82.5 |
37 | 39 | Munich | Germany | 93.1 | 87.6 |
38 | 45 | Berlin | Germany | 93.0 | 85.9 |
39 | 44 | Brussels | Belgium | 92.9 | 86.5 |
40 | 40 | Frankfurt | Germany | 92.5 | 87.4 |
41 | 33 | Dakar | Senegal | 92.2 | 89.0 |
42 | 28 | Kiev | Ukraine | 91.7 | 91.4 |
43 | 43 | Luxembourg | Luxembourg | 91.3 | 87.0 |
44 | 30 | Almaty | Kazakhstan | 90.7 | 89.6 |
45 | 31 | Bratislava | Slovakia | 90.6 | 89.2 |
46 | 45 | Düsseldorf | Germany | 90.4 | 85.9 |
46 | 72 | Riga | Latvia | 90.4 | 81.5 |
48 | 52 | Mumbai | India | 90.3 | 84.9 |
49 | 59 | Zagreb | Croatia | 90.0 | 83.5 |
50 | 57 | Hamburg | Germany | 89.9 | 84.2 |
Britain and Ireland worst quality of life in Europe: study
LONDON (AFP) — Britain and Ireland have the highest average incomes in Europe but come bottom in terms of quality of life, while Spain and France are at the top of the index, according to a study published Wednesday.
Britons have to pay sky high prices for fuel, food and other essentials, while having among the shortest holidays, latest retirement age and lowest life expectancy, according to the survey of 10 European countries.
"We may earn substantially more than our European neighbours but when it comes to quality of life we remain the sick man of Europe," said Ann Robinson, director of consumer policy at uSwitch.com.
At the other end of the scale, Spaniards have the lowest average income, at some 16,800 pounds, but low taxation and cheaper essential goods prices put them at the top of the overall quality of life indicator. (AFP)
10 European countries ranked:
Spain (top), France (2), Germany (3), Netherland (4), Denmark (5), Sweden (6), Italy (7), Poland (8), UK (9), Ireland (bottom)
GBP, NI, Avg. Weekly Working Hours, Annual Hours of Sunshine, Retirement Age, Life Expectancy, Education Spending (% of GDP), Health Spending (% of GDP), Annual Number of Holidays, Fuel Uleaded, Fuel Diesel, Household Gas Bills, Household Electricity Bills, Food: Basket of Good Index.
Introducing uSwitch.com
uSwitch.com is a free, impartial online and phone based comparison and switching service that helps customers compare prices on a range of services including gas, electricity, home phone, broadband providers and personal finance products. Our aim is to help customers take advantage of the best prices and services on offer from suppliers. The company has developed a series of calculators that evaluate a number of key factors including price, location, service and payment method, and advises customers on the best deal to suit their needs.
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Display all indicators
Health | Employment | Income deprivation | Education | Family | Social participation | Housing | Environment | Transport | Safety | Leisure | Life satisfaction
So stop your love on the road All your digging for gold You make me wonder Yes I wonder, yes I wonder Honey, whaddya do for money? Honey, whaddya do for money? Yeah, whaddya do for money honey, how you get your kicks? Whaddya do for money honey, how you get your licks? | |
Whaddya Do For Money Honey - AC/DC |
Britain and Ireland worst quality of life in Europe: study
LONDON (AFP) — Britain and Ireland have the highest average incomes in Europe but come bottom in terms of quality of life, while Spain and France are at the top of the index, according to a study published Wednesday.
Britons have to pay sky high prices for fuel, food and other essentials, while having among the shortest holidays, latest retirement age and lowest life expectancy, according to the survey of 10 European countries.
"We may earn substantially more than our European neighbours but when it comes to quality of life we remain the sick man of Europe," said Ann Robinson, director of consumer policy at uSwitch.com.
At the other end of the scale, Spaniards have the lowest average income, at some 16,800 pounds, but low taxation and cheaper essential goods prices put them at the top of the overall quality of life indicator. (AFP)
10 European countries ranked:
Spain (top), France (2), Germany (3), Netherland (4), Denmark (5), Sweden (6), Italy (7), Poland (8), UK (9), Ireland (bottom)
GBP, NI, Avg. Weekly Working Hours, Annual Hours of Sunshine, Retirement Age, Life Expectancy, Education Spending (% of GDP), Health Spending (% of GDP), Annual Number of Holidays, Fuel Uleaded, Fuel Diesel, Household Gas Bills, Household Electricity Bills, Food: Basket of Good Index.
Introducing uSwitch.com
uSwitch.com is a free, impartial online and phone based comparison and switching service that helps customers compare prices on a range of services including gas, electricity, home phone, broadband providers and personal finance products. Our aim is to help customers take advantage of the best prices and services on offer from suppliers. The company has developed a series of calculators that evaluate a number of key factors including price, location, service and payment method, and advises customers on the best deal to suit their needs.
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Display all indicators
Health | Employment | Income deprivation | Education | Family | Social participation | Housing | Environment | Transport | Safety | Leisure | Life satisfaction
「カトリック・ウッドストック」、Heightened Consumption & More Business Than Usual
全世界のカトリック教徒11億人の精神的指導者であるローマ法王は、現代社会は「何かが間違っている」と発言。「今日の世界は、物欲、搾取、分裂に加え、偶像崇拝や世界が抱える問題への不統一な反応にあふれ、偽りの約束による苦しみなどで疲弊している」と、現代社会を強く批判した。... また「不本意ではあるかもしれないが、われわれは、海岸の侵食、森林破壊、どん欲な消費を賄うための鉱物・海洋資源の無駄遣いなど、地球上にさまざまな傷跡が刻まれていることを認めなければならない」と述べた。【7月17日 AFP】
Pope hits out at consumer culture during Australia trip
Pope denounces 'insatiable consumption'
VIDEO: Satisfaction - Rolling Stone
Brothel reports WYD boost
July 18, 2008
A BROTHEL offering a special discount during Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Sydney said business had more than doubled since the pontiff arrived
'Pappy hour' for boozers and bargain brothels
Tuesday July 15 2008
Cheap drinks during "pappy hour" and brothel discounts are being offered to Catholic pilgrims as Australians chase the devout dollar during Pope Benedict XVI's visit. More than 200,000 overseas visitors heading to Sydney for a week of events leading to World Youth Day are expected to inject more than A$231m (€88m) into the economy. Some brothels are offering 10pc off to pilgrims, provided they present accreditation cards.
Porn star offers free sex advice to priests
By Denis Peters
July 18, 2008 03:18pm
* Porn star offers advice, DVDs to priests
* Says Catholic church needs to educate clergy
* Says sexual desires of priests should be addressed
... 法王はカトリック教会の祭典「世界青年の日(World Youth Day)」に出席するため、シドニーを訪問しているが、オーストラリアではカトリックの聖職者による性的虐待問題に対する教会側の対応や性的虐待の事実を隠ぺいしたとの疑惑をめぐり議論が巻き起こっている。【7月18日 AFP】
Raped girls' 'disgusted' parents land at WYD
Posted Thu Jul 17, 2008
A couple whose daughters were raped by a Catholic priest while they were in primary school has arrived in Sydney to try to meet with the Pope, "disgusted" by comments made by the head of World Youth Day.
Pilgrims call on church to address social justice
Among the religious teaching and rock concerts during this week's World Youth Day events, hundreds of pilgrims have been gathering on the sidelines to call for more action to ensure young people around the world are able to live free from poverty, violence, alienation and despair
diamonds and dust poor man last rich man first Lamborghini's, caviar dry martini's, Shangrila I got a burnin' feeling deep inside of me it's a yearnin' but I'm gonna set it free in goin' in to sin city | |
Sin City - AC/DC |
全世界のカトリック教徒11億人の精神的指導者であるローマ法王は、現代社会は「何かが間違っている」と発言。「今日の世界は、物欲、搾取、分裂に加え、偶像崇拝や世界が抱える問題への不統一な反応にあふれ、偽りの約束による苦しみなどで疲弊している」と、現代社会を強く批判した。... また「不本意ではあるかもしれないが、われわれは、海岸の侵食、森林破壊、どん欲な消費を賄うための鉱物・海洋資源の無駄遣いなど、地球上にさまざまな傷跡が刻まれていることを認めなければならない」と述べた。【7月17日 AFP】
Pope hits out at consumer culture during Australia trip
Pope denounces 'insatiable consumption'
VIDEO: Satisfaction - Rolling Stone
Have A Drink On Me - AC/DC | Let Me Put My Love Into You - AC/DC |
Brothel reports WYD boost
July 18, 2008
A BROTHEL offering a special discount during Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Sydney said business had more than doubled since the pontiff arrived
'Pappy hour' for boozers and bargain brothels
Tuesday July 15 2008
Cheap drinks during "pappy hour" and brothel discounts are being offered to Catholic pilgrims as Australians chase the devout dollar during Pope Benedict XVI's visit. More than 200,000 overseas visitors heading to Sydney for a week of events leading to World Youth Day are expected to inject more than A$231m (€88m) into the economy. Some brothels are offering 10pc off to pilgrims, provided they present accreditation cards.
Porn star offers free sex advice to priests
By Denis Peters
July 18, 2008 03:18pm
* Porn star offers advice, DVDs to priests
* Says Catholic church needs to educate clergy
* Says sexual desires of priests should be addressed
... 法王はカトリック教会の祭典「世界青年の日(World Youth Day)」に出席するため、シドニーを訪問しているが、オーストラリアではカトリックの聖職者による性的虐待問題に対する教会側の対応や性的虐待の事実を隠ぺいしたとの疑惑をめぐり議論が巻き起こっている。【7月18日 AFP】
Raped girls' 'disgusted' parents land at WYD
Posted Thu Jul 17, 2008
A couple whose daughters were raped by a Catholic priest while they were in primary school has arrived in Sydney to try to meet with the Pope, "disgusted" by comments made by the head of World Youth Day.
Pilgrims call on church to address social justice
Among the religious teaching and rock concerts during this week's World Youth Day events, hundreds of pilgrims have been gathering on the sidelines to call for more action to ensure young people around the world are able to live free from poverty, violence, alienation and despair
Status Quo - "Is There A Better Way"
Women at work: Unions alarmed by claim maternity rights may harm job prospects
Tuesday July 15, 2008
Trade unions reacted with alarm yesterday to suggestions that enhanced maternity rights are damaging the long-term employment prospects of women.
Responding to a groundbreaking speech by Nicola Brewer, chief executive of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the TUC warned that a public debate on the issue risked reinforcing the attitudes of "Neanderthal" employers.
Maternity leave: Mothers' views
14 July 2008
The extension of maternity leave may be sabotaging women's careers, Nicola Brewer, the head of the new Equalities and Human Rights Commission has warned.
But what do mothers around the country think? Here are some of the comments BBC News has received.
ROSE, CAMBRIDGE - I took a year off when my son was born. ... However, I was not entitled to my old job back when I returned to the same company, regardless of my loyalty and hard work ... I think the whole process of returning to work should be made easier for women as it nearly gave me a hernia… it was so stressful arranging childcare and working out finances.
Status Quo - "Is There A Better Way"
Is there a better way? Is there a better way? Is there a better way ahead or just another day? There's got to be a way to make a better day I'm gonna find away to make a better day You're never gonna be the one to hold me down There never was a better way with you around |
Women at work: Unions alarmed by claim maternity rights may harm job prospects
Tuesday July 15, 2008
Trade unions reacted with alarm yesterday to suggestions that enhanced maternity rights are damaging the long-term employment prospects of women.
Responding to a groundbreaking speech by Nicola Brewer, chief executive of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the TUC warned that a public debate on the issue risked reinforcing the attitudes of "Neanderthal" employers.
Maternity leave: Mothers' views
14 July 2008
The extension of maternity leave may be sabotaging women's careers, Nicola Brewer, the head of the new Equalities and Human Rights Commission has warned.
But what do mothers around the country think? Here are some of the comments BBC News has received.
ROSE, CAMBRIDGE - I took a year off when my son was born. ... However, I was not entitled to my old job back when I returned to the same company, regardless of my loyalty and hard work ... I think the whole process of returning to work should be made easier for women as it nearly gave me a hernia… it was so stressful arranging childcare and working out finances.
Sex and Religion, God Trapped in Our Mess?
Catholic Church branded out out touch
July 14, 2008
A POLL by social networking giant MySpace brands the Catholic Church "out of touch" with young people, just ahead of its World Youth Day event in Sydney.
89 per cent overall rejected the Catholic Church's teaching that they should remain virgins until they married.
Further poll findings include 61 per cent saying contraception, not abstinence, was their preferred way to prevent the spread of sexual disease and reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy.
Pope to apologise for abuse by priests in Australia
SYDNEY (AFP) — Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Sydney on Sunday for one of the largest Christian gatherings on Earth, starting a visit set to be marked by his apology for sexual abuse by priests in Australia.
Pell accused of sex abuse cover-up
July 8, 2008
DAYS before the Pope arrives in Sydney, church documents reveal Australia's highest-ranking Catholic, George Pell, concealed details of a priest's history of sexual abuse from a victim seeking justice.
Planned apology by Pope attacked
July 14, 2008
THE Pope's planned apology for sex abuse committed by clergy has failed to placate victims who say nothing less than a face to face meeting will satisfy them. The pontiff should also forcefully tell his Australian bishops to stop blocking victims' access to civil courts and using the statute of limitations as a get-out clause, victims' group Broken Rites said.
Sex and Religion - Steve Vai Lyrics: Repent, repent, repent ye sinners ...Are we imprisoned by sex and religion Or is God the one that's trapped in our mess? So remember folks When you kneel to pray Blow a little kiss to the hypocrites ... |
Catholic Church branded out out touch
July 14, 2008
A POLL by social networking giant MySpace brands the Catholic Church "out of touch" with young people, just ahead of its World Youth Day event in Sydney.
89 per cent overall rejected the Catholic Church's teaching that they should remain virgins until they married.
Further poll findings include 61 per cent saying contraception, not abstinence, was their preferred way to prevent the spread of sexual disease and reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy.
Pope to apologise for abuse by priests in Australia
SYDNEY (AFP) — Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Sydney on Sunday for one of the largest Christian gatherings on Earth, starting a visit set to be marked by his apology for sexual abuse by priests in Australia.
Pell accused of sex abuse cover-up
July 8, 2008
DAYS before the Pope arrives in Sydney, church documents reveal Australia's highest-ranking Catholic, George Pell, concealed details of a priest's history of sexual abuse from a victim seeking justice.
Planned apology by Pope attacked
July 14, 2008
THE Pope's planned apology for sex abuse committed by clergy has failed to placate victims who say nothing less than a face to face meeting will satisfy them. The pontiff should also forcefully tell his Australian bishops to stop blocking victims' access to civil courts and using the statute of limitations as a get-out clause, victims' group Broken Rites said.
120,000 in Rainbow Parade, Vienna
Proud - Heather Small | Don't Stop Me Now - Queen |
オーストリアの首都ウィーン(Vienna)で12日、毎年恒例の同性愛者の権利を求めるレインボー・パレード(Rainbow Parade)が開かれ、約12万人が色とりどりの姿で参加 ... ...
Haka by Rugby Players, Au Naturel
Nude rugby welcomes All Blacks (explicit)
Naked rugby players perform the haka before their nude rugby match on St Kilda beach before the Tri Nations rugby test match between New Zealand and South Africa in Dunedin.
New Zealand All Blacks Haka
The Haka, Origins and History
Haka is the generic name for all Maori dance. Today, haka is defined as that part of the Maori dance repertoire where the men are to the fore with the women lending vocal support in the rear. Most haka seen today are haka taparahi, haka without weapons.
Nude rugby welcomes All Blacks (explicit)
Naked rugby players perform the haka before their nude rugby match on St Kilda beach before the Tri Nations rugby test match between New Zealand and South Africa in Dunedin.
Gingerbread Men Haka | Scottish response |
New Zealand All Blacks Haka
The Haka, Origins and History
Haka is the generic name for all Maori dance. Today, haka is defined as that part of the Maori dance repertoire where the men are to the fore with the women lending vocal support in the rear. Most haka seen today are haka taparahi, haka without weapons.
// Lyrics:
What are words worth ...
Ran sumsumsa Ran sumsum
hootycooty hootycooty Ran sumsum
Hi kye yay yippie yi kye yay
Awoo awoo ayee kie chi ...
With a Rap Rap here
and a Rap Rap there
here a Rap there a Rap everywhere a Rap Rap
Rap it up for the common good
let us enlist the neighbourhood ...
:: Language speaks us : Heidegger
// Are You A Different Person When You Speak A Different Language?
ScienceDaily (June 26, 2008) — People who are bicultural and speak two languages may actually shift their personalities when they switch from one language to another, according to new research.
"Language can be a cue that activates different culture-specific frames," write David Luna (Baruch College), Torsten Ringberg, and Laura A. Peracchio (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).
The authors studied groups of Hispanic women, all of whom were bilingual, but with varying degrees of cultural identification. They found significant levels of "frame-shifting" (changes in self perception) in bicultural participants--those who participate in both Latino and Anglo culture. While frame-shifting has been studied before, the new research found that biculturals switched frames more quickly and easily than bilingual monoculturals.
:: Reality happens precisely within language : Gadamer
// Language may shape human thought
19 August 2004
Language may shape human thought – suggests a counting study in a Brazilian tribe whose language does not define numbers above two.
Hunter-gatherers from the Pirahã tribe, whose language only contains words for the numbers one and two, were unable to reliably tell the difference between four objects placed in a row and five in the same configuration, revealed the study.
Experts agree that the startling result provides the strongest support yet for the controversial hypothesis that the language available to humans defines our thoughts. So-called “linguistic determinism” was first proposed in 1950 but has been hotly debated ever since.
:: The limits of my language are the limits of my world : Wittgenstein
// Which comes first, language or thought?
Speakers of different languages notice different things and so make different distinctions. For example, when Koreans say that one object joins another, they specify whether the objects touch tightly or loosely. English speakers, in contrast, say whether one object is in or on another. Saying "I put the spoon cup" is not correct in either language. The spoon has to be "in" or "on" the cup in English, and has to be held tightly or loosely by the cup in Korean.
These differences affect how adults view the world. When Koreans and Americans see the same everyday events (an apple in a bowl, a cap on a pen), they categorize them in accord with the distinctions of their languages. Because languages differ this way, many scientists suspected that children must learn the relevant concepts as they learn their language. That's wrong, Spelke insists.
Tom Tom Club - Wordy Rappinghood (1981) | Chicks on Speed - Wordy Rappinghood |
// Lyrics:
What are words worth ...
Ran sumsumsa Ran sumsum
hootycooty hootycooty Ran sumsum
Hi kye yay yippie yi kye yay
Awoo awoo ayee kie chi ...
With a Rap Rap here
and a Rap Rap there
here a Rap there a Rap everywhere a Rap Rap
Rap it up for the common good
let us enlist the neighbourhood ...
:: Language speaks us : Heidegger
// Are You A Different Person When You Speak A Different Language?
ScienceDaily (June 26, 2008) — People who are bicultural and speak two languages may actually shift their personalities when they switch from one language to another, according to new research.
"Language can be a cue that activates different culture-specific frames," write David Luna (Baruch College), Torsten Ringberg, and Laura A. Peracchio (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).
The authors studied groups of Hispanic women, all of whom were bilingual, but with varying degrees of cultural identification. They found significant levels of "frame-shifting" (changes in self perception) in bicultural participants--those who participate in both Latino and Anglo culture. While frame-shifting has been studied before, the new research found that biculturals switched frames more quickly and easily than bilingual monoculturals.
:: Reality happens precisely within language : Gadamer
// Language may shape human thought
19 August 2004
Language may shape human thought – suggests a counting study in a Brazilian tribe whose language does not define numbers above two.
Hunter-gatherers from the Pirahã tribe, whose language only contains words for the numbers one and two, were unable to reliably tell the difference between four objects placed in a row and five in the same configuration, revealed the study.
Experts agree that the startling result provides the strongest support yet for the controversial hypothesis that the language available to humans defines our thoughts. So-called “linguistic determinism” was first proposed in 1950 but has been hotly debated ever since.
:: The limits of my language are the limits of my world : Wittgenstein
// Which comes first, language or thought?
Speakers of different languages notice different things and so make different distinctions. For example, when Koreans say that one object joins another, they specify whether the objects touch tightly or loosely. English speakers, in contrast, say whether one object is in or on another. Saying "I put the spoon cup" is not correct in either language. The spoon has to be "in" or "on" the cup in English, and has to be held tightly or loosely by the cup in Korean.
These differences affect how adults view the world. When Koreans and Americans see the same everyday events (an apple in a bowl, a cap on a pen), they categorize them in accord with the distinctions of their languages. Because languages differ this way, many scientists suspected that children must learn the relevant concepts as they learn their language. That's wrong, Spelke insists.
Pope Urges G8 To Help The Poor
Pope urges G8 summit to help the world's poor
Sun Jul 6, 2008
CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy (Reuters) - Pope Benedict on Sunday urged a Group of Eight summit in Japan to take measures to fight poverty and hunger at a time of soaring food and oil prices. The Pope, in his weekly Angelus blessing, asked the leaders of the world's richest nations to put the needy at the top of their agenda and make good on previous pledges to help them.
// Psalm 113
4 The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens.
5 Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high,
6 Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!
7 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill;
8 That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people.
// Matthew 25
35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Pope urges G8 summit to help the world's poor
Sun Jul 6, 2008
CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy (Reuters) - Pope Benedict on Sunday urged a Group of Eight summit in Japan to take measures to fight poverty and hunger at a time of soaring food and oil prices. The Pope, in his weekly Angelus blessing, asked the leaders of the world's richest nations to put the needy at the top of their agenda and make good on previous pledges to help them.
// Psalm 113
4 The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens.
5 Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high,
6 Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!
7 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill;
8 That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people.
// Matthew 25
35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
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