

Slum tours: a day trip too far?
May 7 2006
A new travel experience gives visitors a glimpse into the harsh lives of Delhi's street children. But is it a worthy initiative or just an example of voyeuristic 'poorism', asks Amelia Gentleman

Poverty tourism: A dose of reality
Guides explain the concept—and how to find an excursion right for you
Feb. 4, 2008
While the critics of so-called "poverty tourism" say that it exploits people, turning neighborhoods into zoos, the tours' organizers argue that it can raise awareness about poverty, fight stereotypes, and bring money into areas that don't benefit from tourism. ... Good intentions aren't always enough, however, and these excursions should be approached with sensitivity.

Poorism? What Is Inequality Coming To?
Posted March 11, 2008 | 03:46 PM (EST)
It says something about the extremities of inequality in our world when rich people are now paying money to take tours of poor people.
