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Author analyses consequences of deregulation
18 September , 2008
MARK COLVIN: The Canadian writer Ronald Wright, whose latest book is "What is America?" says the current financial crisis has roots deep in the last decade of deregulation.
A world of inequality
September 18 2008
As economies slow down, people in the developing world who did not gain from the boom will face deteriorating conditions.... Contrary to general perception, most people in the developing world did not gain from that boom.
Exploiting Poverty Caused The Financial Crisis
September 18, 2008
But instead of prioritizing poor and even middle class families who are increasingly struggling, our government is spending billions and billions to bail out the Wall Street firms that created this crisis. Instead, we should be spending our taxpayer money to help the families who were taken advantage of in the "anything goes" unregulated financial system that years of misguided never-really-did-trickle-down economic policy created.
Wall St rallies, Bush vows more action
Sep 19, 2008
Wall Street staged its biggest one-day rally in six years overnight as US President George W Bush vowed his administration would meet the challenges of the global financial crisis and the US Federal Reserve injected $US180 billion ($224 billion) into the banking system.
Socialism: Brought to You by the Republican Party
September 17, 2008
Why won't anyone (anyone!) among our nation's leaders call this government bailout business what it is -- corporate socialism?
「法人社会主義」-- 利潤の私有化、リスクと違法行為の社会化--は、資本主義的規範を消滅させつつある。
McCain Says U.S. Should Let AIG Fail to Prevent `Moral Hazard'
By Nancy Moran
Sept. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Republican presidential nominee John McCain said the U.S. government should let American International Group Inc. fail to prevent the financial burden from being placed on taxpayers.
House Republicans Criticize U.S. Action on Crisis (Update3)
By Brian Faler
Sept. 18 (Bloomberg) -- ...``These massive federal bailouts have exposed taxpayers to literally tens of billions of dollars of new risk,'' and created a ``moral hazard where companies are absolved, not punished, for excessive risk taking,'' the letter said.
Bailout raises moral issues
Sept. 15, 2008
... Is it fair that innocent taxpayers must now pay for their mistakes? ... The world is discovering capitalism and its power to transform economies. But capitalism relies on good faith. A perception of unfair treatment can be deadly to economic growth, because it means that people will lose trust in businesses, and hence be less willing to offer to them their precious capital and labor. Is that outcome morally superior to a bailout?
米貧困層12.5%へ増加、無保険率は15.3%へ減少 2007年米国民所得状況
Where’s the Prosperity?
Published: August 26, 2008
A closer look confirms what Americans already know: most families reaped none of the benefits of the previous six years of solid economic growth. Median household income last year was still 0.6 percent less than it was in 2000 ... The number of people living under the poverty line rose by 5.7 million since 2000, to 12.5 percent of the population. And the number of impoverished children increased to 18 percent.... What is clear is that economic growth alone will not cut it for most American families. The benefits must be shared more broadly. This means more progressive taxation, increasing access to affordable health care, investing more in public education.
// 今週の本棚:伊東光晴・評 『格差はつくられた』=ポール・クルーグマン著
Most rich nations stagnant or near recession - IMF
Fri Sep 19, 2008
Wall Street crisis raises questions over IMF inaction
The International Monetary Fund has in the past been accused of treating rich countries with kid gloves. Its critics had a point
Mark Tran
Thursday September 18 2008
CBI predicts 'shallow recession' and 2m jobless
By Sean O'Grady, Economics Editor
Monday, 15 September 2008
Canadian economy faces further challenges despite dodging brunt of U.S. troubles
TORONTO — The American economy has been battered and left bleeding from scuffles with the credit crunch and a bout with subprime mortgages but so far its Canadian cousin has walked away with only some scratches and bruises.
In hard times, tent cities rise across the country
By Evelyn Nieves
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Posted 19 September 2008
Nearly 61 percent of local and state homeless coalitions say they've experienced a rise in homelessness since the foreclosure crisis began in 2007, according to a report by the National Coalition for the Homeless. The group says the problem has worsened since the report's release in April, with foreclosures mounting, gas and food prices rising and the job market tightening. "It's clear that poverty and homelessness have increased," said Michael Stoops, acting executive director of the coalition.
Fear shrivels US
Geoffrey Garrett
September 19, 2008
The halcyon days of high-paying, secure jobs in steel, automobiles and other American manufacturing industries are long gone. It is no surprise that the immediate reaction of the candidates to this week's bloodbath has been to rail against the Bush administration as aiding and abetting the gargantuan excesses of the super elite gambling away the country's hard-earned money on the Wall Street casino.
社説:米国発金融危機 日本は緊急施策の見直しを
毎日新聞 2008年9月18日
Billy Joel-Allentown