
メアリー・ジェーン ie. マリファナ

Mari-Ju-ana ... Mary Jane ...

Cypress Hill - Hits From The Bong

Hits from the bong
Can I get a hit ...
Let’s smoke that bowl
Hit the bong and then take that finger off of that hole
Plug it, unplug it, don’t strain
I love you Mary Jane ...

Rick James - Mary Jane

Dutch Ban Tobacco, But Marijuana Still Allowed
30 June 2008
As of July 1, The Netherlands becomes the latest European nation to ban smoking in restaurants, cafes and all public places. The difference in Holland, though, is you can still order marijuana and hashish at cafes and coffee shops alongside your coffee, tea or juice. But as Lauren Comiteau reports for VOA from Amsterdam, the new rules for smoking it have left a lot of coffee shop owners and patrons…well, dazed and confused. .... Most Europeans smoke their marijuana in cigarettes rolled with tobacco. And that's where the confusion comes in.

Police uncover big southern Qld cannabis crop
Posted Wed Jul 2, 2008 1:01pm AEST
Police have discovered about 17,000 cannabis plants at a property in southern Queensland in one of the biggest drug hauls in Queensland.

Qld police find second major cannabis haul
Posted Wed Jul 2, 2008
Police say they have discovered another 400 kilograms of dried cannabis during further searches at a property between Stanthorpe and Inglewood in southern Queensland.

Qld cannabis find worth $500m, police say
Posted 5 hours 34 minutes ago
Police say a cannabis plantation uncovered in southern Queensland is worth about $500 million.

U.S. is Tops in Cocaine, Marijuana Use
July 1, 2008
The U.S. may lag other countries in measures such as education and health, but we’re out in front on cocaine and marijuana use. Surveys conducted in 17 countries found that 42.4% of Americans have tried marijuana and 16.2% have tried cocaine

Americans are world's top drug users: study
1 day ago
Americans ... 42.4 percent had used marijuana
In second-place New Zealand, ... 41.9 percent marijuana.
The research was conducted at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, based on World Health Organization data from 54,068 people in 17 countries.

The United States leads the world in rates of experimenting with marijuana and cocaine despite strict drug laws, World Health Organization researchers said
Tue Jul 1, 2008
The researchers said their findings shed light on drug, alcohol and smoking policy. "The use of drugs seems to be a feature of more affluent countries," they wrote. "The United States, which has been driving much of the world's drug research and drug policy agenda, stands out with higher levels of use of alcohol, cocaine, and cannabis, despite punitive illegal drug policies. The Netherlands, with a less criminally punitive approach to cannabis use than the U.S., has experienced lower levels of use, particularly among younger adults."

Toward a Global View of Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, and Cocaine Use: Findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys
The global distribution of drug use is unevenly distributed with the US having the highest levels of both legal and illegal drug use among all countries surveyed. ... higher income was related to drug use of all kinds. ... Drug use does not appear to be related to drug policy, as countries with more stringent policies (e.g., the US) did not have lower levels of illegal drug use than countries with more liberal policies (e.g., The Netherlands).

Table 2 journal-pmed-0050141-t002


Body's Own 'Cannabis (Marijuana)' Is Good For The Skin, Scientists Find
ScienceDaily (July 2, 2008) — Scientists from Hungary, Germany and the U.K. have discovered that our own body not only makes chemical compounds similar to the active ingredient in marijuana (THC), but these play an important part in maintaining healthy skin.

WA aims for less medical marijuana in revised rule
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
After meeting with law enforcement leaders, Washington's Health Department has cut its suggested two-month supply of medical marijuana by nearly a third - a change that riled patients' advocates and sparked threats of a lawsuit.
