
Pricey Cities: London=3rd; Tokyo=2nd; and ...

Black coffee(1949)
Sarah Vaughan

I'm feelin' mighty lonesome, haven't slept a wink;
I walk the floor from nine to four, in between I drink
Black coffee ...

Now man is born to come a-lovin',
And a woman's born to weep and fret
To stay at home and tend her oven
And drown her past regrets
in coffee and cigarettes.

Drowning past regrets in a cup of lukewarm bitter-sweet is much more dearer in Moscow than in the west ...

London may be costly, but it's cheap compared with Moscow and Tokyo
July 24, 2008
If you think a coffee in London is expensive, don't move to Moscow - or Tokyo, for that matter. ... The survey found that one cup of coffee including service would cost on average £2.20 in London, compared with £5.19 in Moscow and £2.57 in Tokyo. Similarly, a copy of an international daily newspaper would set you back £3.05 in Moscow compared with just £1.50 in Britain.

Moscow tops list of pricey cities
Thursday, 24 July 2008
The research by human resources firm Mercer took account of expenses such as rent, eating out and petrol. Moscow has particularly expensive coffee, with a cup in a cafe costing $10.40 (£5.19) including service. Tokyo climbed two spots into second place in the survey, followed by London, which dropped one place into third and Oslo, which came fourth. The survey compared the cost of 200 items in 143 cities.

Mercer's 2008 Cost of Living survey highlights
Last updated: : 23 July 2008

Rank March 2008Rank March 2007CityCountryCost of living Index March 2008Cost of living Index March 2007
53SeoulSouth Korea117.7122.4
65Hong KongChina117.6119.4
1417Tel AvivIsrael105.097.7
1812St. PetersburgRussia103.1103.0
2215New York CityUS100.0100.0
2562São PauloBrazil97.082.8
2949PragueCzech Rep.96.085.6
3164Rio de JaneiroBrazil95.282.5




So stop your love on the road
All your digging for gold
You make me wonder
Yes I wonder, yes I wonder
Honey, whaddya do for money?
Honey, whaddya do for money?
Yeah, whaddya do for money honey,
how you get your kicks?
Whaddya do for money honey,
how you get your licks?
Whaddya Do For Money Honey - AC/DC

Britain and Ireland worst quality of life in Europe: study

LONDON (AFP) — Britain and Ireland have the highest average incomes in Europe but come bottom in terms of quality of life, while Spain and France are at the top of the index, according to a study published Wednesday.

Britons have to pay sky high prices for fuel, food and other essentials, while having among the shortest holidays, latest retirement age and lowest life expectancy, according to the survey of 10 European countries.

"We may earn substantially more than our European neighbours but when it comes to quality of life we remain the sick man of Europe," said Ann Robinson, director of consumer policy at uSwitch.com.

At the other end of the scale, Spaniards have the lowest average income, at some 16,800 pounds, but low taxation and cheaper essential goods prices put them at the top of the overall quality of life indicator. (AFP)


10 European countries ranked:
Spain (top), France (2), Germany (3), Netherland (4), Denmark (5), Sweden (6), Italy (7), Poland (8), UK (9), Ireland (bottom)

GBP, NI, Avg. Weekly Working Hours, Annual Hours of Sunshine, Retirement Age, Life Expectancy, Education Spending (% of GDP), Health Spending (% of GDP), Annual Number of Holidays, Fuel Uleaded, Fuel Diesel, Household Gas Bills, Household Electricity Bills, Food: Basket of Good Index.

Introducing uSwitch.com

uSwitch.com is a free, impartial online and phone based comparison and switching service that helps customers compare prices on a range of services including gas, electricity, home phone, broadband providers and personal finance products. Our aim is to help customers take advantage of the best prices and services on offer from suppliers. The company has developed a series of calculators that evaluate a number of key factors including price, location, service and payment method, and advises customers on the best deal to suit their needs.

European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Display all indicators
Health | Employment | Income deprivation | Education | Family | Social participation | Housing | Environment | Transport | Safety | Leisure | Life satisfaction



「カトリック・ウッドストック」、Heightened Consumption & More Business Than Usual

diamonds and dust
poor man last
rich man first
Lamborghini's, caviar
dry martini's, Shangrila
I got a burnin' feeling
deep inside of me
it's a yearnin'
but I'm gonna set it free
in goin' in
to sin city
Sin City - AC/DC

全世界のカトリック教徒11億人の精神的指導者であるローマ法王は、現代社会は「何かが間違っている」と発言。「今日の世界は、物欲、搾取、分裂に加え、偶像崇拝や世界が抱える問題への不統一な反応にあふれ、偽りの約束による苦しみなどで疲弊している」と、現代社会を強く批判した。... また「不本意ではあるかもしれないが、われわれは、海岸の侵食、森林破壊、どん欲な消費を賄うための鉱物・海洋資源の無駄遣いなど、地球上にさまざまな傷跡が刻まれていることを認めなければならない」と述べた。【7月17日 AFP】

Pope hits out at consumer culture during Australia trip

Pope denounces 'insatiable consumption'

VIDEO: Satisfaction - Rolling Stone

Have A Drink On Me - AC/DCLet Me Put My Love Into You - AC/DC

Brothel reports WYD boost
July 18, 2008
A BROTHEL offering a special discount during Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Sydney said business had more than doubled since the pontiff arrived

'Pappy hour' for boozers and bargain brothels
Tuesday July 15 2008
Cheap drinks during "pappy hour" and brothel discounts are being offered to Catholic pilgrims as Australians chase the devout dollar during Pope Benedict XVI's visit. More than 200,000 overseas visitors heading to Sydney for a week of events leading to World Youth Day are expected to inject more than A$231m (€88m) into the economy. Some brothels are offering 10pc off to pilgrims, provided they present accreditation cards.

Porn star offers free sex advice to priests
By Denis Peters
July 18, 2008 03:18pm
* Porn star offers advice, DVDs to priests
* Says Catholic church needs to educate clergy
* Says sexual desires of priests should be addressed

... 法王はカトリック教会の祭典「世界青年の日(World Youth Day)」に出席するため、シドニーを訪問しているが、オーストラリアではカトリックの聖職者による性的虐待問題に対する教会側の対応や性的虐待の事実を隠ぺいしたとの疑惑をめぐり議論が巻き起こっている。【7月18日 AFP】

Raped girls' 'disgusted' parents land at WYD
Posted Thu Jul 17, 2008
A couple whose daughters were raped by a Catholic priest while they were in primary school has arrived in Sydney to try to meet with the Pope, "disgusted" by comments made by the head of World Youth Day.

Pilgrims call on church to address social justice
Among the religious teaching and rock concerts during this week's World Youth Day events, hundreds of pilgrims have been gathering on the sidelines to call for more action to ensure young people around the world are able to live free from poverty, violence, alienation and despair





Status Quo - "Is There A Better Way"

Is there a better way? Is there a better way?
Is there a better way ahead or just another day?
There's got to be a way to make a better day
I'm gonna find away to make a better day
You're never gonna be the one to hold me down
There never was a better way with you around

Women at work: Unions alarmed by claim maternity rights may harm job prospects
Tuesday July 15, 2008
Trade unions reacted with alarm yesterday to suggestions that enhanced maternity rights are damaging the long-term employment prospects of women.

Responding to a groundbreaking speech by Nicola Brewer, chief executive of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the TUC warned that a public debate on the issue risked reinforcing the attitudes of "Neanderthal" employers.

Maternity leave: Mothers' views
14 July 2008

The extension of maternity leave may be sabotaging women's careers, Nicola Brewer, the head of the new Equalities and Human Rights Commission has warned.

But what do mothers around the country think? Here are some of the comments BBC News has received.

ROSE, CAMBRIDGE - I took a year off when my son was born. ... However, I was not entitled to my old job back when I returned to the same company, regardless of my loyalty and hard work ... I think the whole process of returning to work should be made easier for women as it nearly gave me a hernia… it was so stressful arranging childcare and working out finances.



Sex and Religion, God Trapped in Our Mess?

Sex and Religion - Steve Vai
Repent, repent, repent ye sinners
...Are we imprisoned by sex and religion
Or is God the one that's trapped in our mess?
So remember folks
When you kneel to pray
Blow a little kiss to the hypocrites ...

Catholic Church branded out out touch
July 14, 2008
A POLL by social networking giant MySpace brands the Catholic Church "out of touch" with young people, just ahead of its World Youth Day event in Sydney.

89 per cent overall rejected the Catholic Church's teaching that they should remain virgins until they married.

Further poll findings include 61 per cent saying contraception, not abstinence, was their preferred way to prevent the spread of sexual disease and reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

Pope to apologise for abuse by priests in Australia
SYDNEY (AFP) — Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Sydney on Sunday for one of the largest Christian gatherings on Earth, starting a visit set to be marked by his apology for sexual abuse by priests in Australia.

Pell accused of sex abuse cover-up
July 8, 2008
DAYS before the Pope arrives in Sydney, church documents reveal Australia's highest-ranking Catholic, George Pell, concealed details of a priest's history of sexual abuse from a victim seeking justice.

Planned apology by Pope attacked
July 14, 2008
THE Pope's planned apology for sex abuse committed by clergy has failed to placate victims who say nothing less than a face to face meeting will satisfy them. The pontiff should also forcefully tell his Australian bishops to stop blocking victims' access to civil courts and using the statute of limitations as a get-out clause, victims' group Broken Rites said.



120,000 in Rainbow Parade, Vienna

Proud - Heather SmallDon't Stop Me Now - Queen

オーストリアの首都ウィーン(Vienna)で12日、毎年恒例の同性愛者の権利を求めるレインボー・パレード(Rainbow Parade)が開かれ、約12万人が色とりどりの姿で参加 ... ...


Haka by Rugby Players, Au Naturel

Nude rugby welcomes All Blacks (explicit)
Naked rugby players perform the haka before their nude rugby match on St Kilda beach before the Tri Nations rugby test match between New Zealand and South Africa in Dunedin.


Gingerbread Men HakaScottish response

New Zealand All Blacks Haka
The Haka, Origins and History

Haka is the generic name for all Maori dance. Today, haka is defined as that part of the Maori dance repertoire where the men are to the fore with the women lending vocal support in the rear. Most haka seen today are haka taparahi, haka without weapons.





Tom Tom Club - Wordy Rappinghood (1981)Chicks on Speed - Wordy Rappinghood

// Lyrics:

What are words worth ...

Ran sumsumsa Ran sumsum
hootycooty hootycooty Ran sumsum
Hi kye yay yippie yi kye yay
Awoo awoo ayee kie chi ...

With a Rap Rap here
and a Rap Rap there
here a Rap there a Rap everywhere a Rap Rap
Rap it up for the common good
let us enlist the neighbourhood ...

:: Language speaks us : Heidegger

// Are You A Different Person When You Speak A Different Language?

ScienceDaily (June 26, 2008) — People who are bicultural and speak two languages may actually shift their personalities when they switch from one language to another, according to new research.

"Language can be a cue that activates different culture-specific frames," write David Luna (Baruch College), Torsten Ringberg, and Laura A. Peracchio (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).

The authors studied groups of Hispanic women, all of whom were bilingual, but with varying degrees of cultural identification. They found significant levels of "frame-shifting" (changes in self perception) in bicultural participants--those who participate in both Latino and Anglo culture. While frame-shifting has been studied before, the new research found that biculturals switched frames more quickly and easily than bilingual monoculturals.

:: Reality happens precisely within language : Gadamer

// Language may shape human thought
19 August 2004

Language may shape human thought – suggests a counting study in a Brazilian tribe whose language does not define numbers above two.

Hunter-gatherers from the Pirahã tribe, whose language only contains words for the numbers one and two, were unable to reliably tell the difference between four objects placed in a row and five in the same configuration, revealed the study.

Experts agree that the startling result provides the strongest support yet for the controversial hypothesis that the language available to humans defines our thoughts. So-called “linguistic determinism” was first proposed in 1950 but has been hotly debated ever since.

:: The limits of my language are the limits of my world : Wittgenstein

// Which comes first, language or thought?

Speakers of different languages notice different things and so make different distinctions. For example, when Koreans say that one object joins another, they specify whether the objects touch tightly or loosely. English speakers, in contrast, say whether one object is in or on another. Saying "I put the spoon cup" is not correct in either language. The spoon has to be "in" or "on" the cup in English, and has to be held tightly or loosely by the cup in Korean.

These differences affect how adults view the world. When Koreans and Americans see the same everyday events (an apple in a bowl, a cap on a pen), they categorize them in accord with the distinctions of their languages. Because languages differ this way, many scientists suspected that children must learn the relevant concepts as they learn their language. That's wrong, Spelke insists.




Pope Urges G8 To Help The Poor


Pope urges G8 summit to help the world's poor
Sun Jul 6, 2008
CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy (Reuters) - Pope Benedict on Sunday urged a Group of Eight summit in Japan to take measures to fight poverty and hunger at a time of soaring food and oil prices. The Pope, in his weekly Angelus blessing, asked the leaders of the world's richest nations to put the needy at the top of their agenda and make good on previous pledges to help them.

// Psalm 113

4 The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens.

5 Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high,

6 Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!

7 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill;

8 That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people.

// Matthew 25

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.





Ry Cooder - How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Times And Live

Bad Time To Be PoorBus Rider

社説:最低賃金 貧困の解消にはまだ足りない
毎日新聞 2008年6月22日

最低賃金で政労使が合意 時給755円を目安に

Germany's Warden, security industry, union agree on minimum wage
the minimum wage is between 6 and 8.23 euros per hour, with the wage agreement coming into effect from May 1, 2009

NSW wage rise sets bar high for nation
The NSW Industrial Relations Commission yesterday dismissed fears raised by employers about inflation by granting a $21.25 a week increase in the state's minimum wage. The decision, which applies to about 220,000 low-paid workers in retail, accommodation, restaurant, property and other services jobs, will boost the minimum weekly wage for NSW award employees to $552.65 from July 1.

Illinois minimum wage rises to $7.75 per hour
Minimum-wage workers in Illinois are receiving a 25-cent hourly boost in pay, to $7.75 per hour.

Advocates want NJ minimum wage hiked
By TOM HESTER Jr. 07.01.08
A worker advocacy group wants New Jersey lawmakers to increase the state's minimum wage to $8.50 an hour and require employers boost it annually to keep pace with inflation.

Hong Kong mulls minimum wage
Speakers: Lok-sang Ho, professor of economics, Lingnan University
HILL: Workers are guaranteed a minimum wage in 90 per cent of the world's countries, but not in Hong Kong.



Neil YoungPearl Jam & U2, Melbourne, Australia, 2006 MPH


ニューヨーク(New York)を拠点とする国際人権団体「ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(Human Rights Watch)」が2005年に発表した報告書によれば、シンガポールで働くメードの多くが暴力、言葉による暴力、脅迫、行動の制限、人材派遣会社による不当な扱い、法外な借金返済要求、長時間労働、休日を与えない、などの虐待を受けている。

US 'slavery' woman given 11 years
Picture: Domestic workers held a protest during the sentencing of Mrs Sabhnani

NY millionaire gets prison for enslaving workers
Jun 26, 2008

2nd NY millionaire gets prison in slavery case

Slavery's new Mecca
In a new book documenting the modern slave trade, E. Benjamin Skinner travels to Dubai, known in the sex trade as 'Disneyland for men'

路上生活者襲撃さらに1件 3月から5件、連続犯行か

東京ホームレス襲撃 2008年7月2日


// A force for justice: Teen says his heart and faith drives him to end modern slavery

In his spare time, though, the 16-year-old Atlanta resident also has founded one nonprofit, written two books and spoken at the White House and on national television news shows, hoping to end modern-day slavery and injustice.

"I believe in the power of this generation, my generation, the millennials. I believe we will end slavery in my lifetime," Hunter said in a telephone interview. "I think we've had enough of cheap talk and inaction."

Hunter said his heart and his nondenominational Christian faith drive him to end the injustice.

"A lot of people view Christians as being anti-this and anti-that," Hunter said. "I encourage people to do something. That is a true representation of Jesus, helping the poor, the enslaved, the homeless."



メアリー・ジェーン ie. マリファナ

Mari-Ju-ana ... Mary Jane ...

Cypress Hill - Hits From The Bong

Hits from the bong
Can I get a hit ...
Let’s smoke that bowl
Hit the bong and then take that finger off of that hole
Plug it, unplug it, don’t strain
I love you Mary Jane ...

Rick James - Mary Jane

Dutch Ban Tobacco, But Marijuana Still Allowed
30 June 2008
As of July 1, The Netherlands becomes the latest European nation to ban smoking in restaurants, cafes and all public places. The difference in Holland, though, is you can still order marijuana and hashish at cafes and coffee shops alongside your coffee, tea or juice. But as Lauren Comiteau reports for VOA from Amsterdam, the new rules for smoking it have left a lot of coffee shop owners and patrons…well, dazed and confused. .... Most Europeans smoke their marijuana in cigarettes rolled with tobacco. And that's where the confusion comes in.

Police uncover big southern Qld cannabis crop
Posted Wed Jul 2, 2008 1:01pm AEST
Police have discovered about 17,000 cannabis plants at a property in southern Queensland in one of the biggest drug hauls in Queensland.

Qld police find second major cannabis haul
Posted Wed Jul 2, 2008
Police say they have discovered another 400 kilograms of dried cannabis during further searches at a property between Stanthorpe and Inglewood in southern Queensland.

Qld cannabis find worth $500m, police say
Posted 5 hours 34 minutes ago
Police say a cannabis plantation uncovered in southern Queensland is worth about $500 million.

U.S. is Tops in Cocaine, Marijuana Use
July 1, 2008
The U.S. may lag other countries in measures such as education and health, but we’re out in front on cocaine and marijuana use. Surveys conducted in 17 countries found that 42.4% of Americans have tried marijuana and 16.2% have tried cocaine

Americans are world's top drug users: study
1 day ago
Americans ... 42.4 percent had used marijuana
In second-place New Zealand, ... 41.9 percent marijuana.
The research was conducted at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, based on World Health Organization data from 54,068 people in 17 countries.

The United States leads the world in rates of experimenting with marijuana and cocaine despite strict drug laws, World Health Organization researchers said
Tue Jul 1, 2008
The researchers said their findings shed light on drug, alcohol and smoking policy. "The use of drugs seems to be a feature of more affluent countries," they wrote. "The United States, which has been driving much of the world's drug research and drug policy agenda, stands out with higher levels of use of alcohol, cocaine, and cannabis, despite punitive illegal drug policies. The Netherlands, with a less criminally punitive approach to cannabis use than the U.S., has experienced lower levels of use, particularly among younger adults."

Toward a Global View of Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, and Cocaine Use: Findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys
The global distribution of drug use is unevenly distributed with the US having the highest levels of both legal and illegal drug use among all countries surveyed. ... higher income was related to drug use of all kinds. ... Drug use does not appear to be related to drug policy, as countries with more stringent policies (e.g., the US) did not have lower levels of illegal drug use than countries with more liberal policies (e.g., The Netherlands).

Table 2 journal-pmed-0050141-t002


Body's Own 'Cannabis (Marijuana)' Is Good For The Skin, Scientists Find
ScienceDaily (July 2, 2008) — Scientists from Hungary, Germany and the U.K. have discovered that our own body not only makes chemical compounds similar to the active ingredient in marijuana (THC), but these play an important part in maintaining healthy skin.

WA aims for less medical marijuana in revised rule
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
After meeting with law enforcement leaders, Washington's Health Department has cut its suggested two-month supply of medical marijuana by nearly a third - a change that riled patients' advocates and sparked threats of a lawsuit.



World Value Survey

And the world's happiest country is..
"Though by no means the happiest country in the world, from a global perspective the United States looks pretty good," Inglehart said. "The country is not only prosperous; it ranks relatively high in gender equality, tolerance of ethnic and social diversity and has high levels of political freedom." "Ultimately, the most important determinant of happiness is the extent to which people have free choice in how to live their lives," Inglehart said.

The survey reveals that Denmark, with its democracy, social equality and peaceful atmosphere, is the happiest country in the world.

Development, reedom, nd ising Happiness
A lobal erspective (1981 –2007)
Ronald Inglehart, Roberto Foa, Christopher eterson, and Christian Welzel

This societal-level shift is linked with individual-level value changes, from giving top priority to economic and physical security toward giving top priority to self-expression values that emphasize participation, freedom of expression, and quality of life. Under conditions of scarcity, people focus on survival needs, giving top priority to economic and physical security. Economic development increases people’s sense of existential ecurity, leading them to shift their emphasis from survival values toward self-expression values and free choice, which is a more direct way to maximize happiness and life satisfaction. ... Since 1981, self-expression values have become increasingly widespread around the world,contributing to democratization, growing support or gender equality, and growing acceptance of outgroups such as gays and lesbians Inglehart elzel, 2005). Inglehart (1990) found hat happiness is strongly related to democracy (Barro, 999; Frey & tutzer, 2000; Inglehart lingemann, 2000). ... Like democratization, social tolerance broadens the range of choices available to people, enhancing happiness. Accordingly, Inglehart and Welzel 2005)found that support or gender
equality and tolerance of outgroups were strongly linked with happiness —not just because tolerant people are happier, but because living in tolerant society enhances everyone ’s freedom of choice. Similarly, Schyns 1998) argued that gender quality is linked with happiness.

World Value Survey





"Pagan Poetry", Bjork |「ペイガン・ポエトリー」ビョーク



Australian Museum > Body Art > Piercing
Body piercing is a more widespread practice than the other forms of body art addressed in the exhibition. Ear piercing and nose piercing are especially commonplace among many different cultures. While the process of piercing can be significant in itself sections of the exhibition focus on the outcome of the process, that is, the jewellery associated with piercing and what it means. Many parts of the body can be pierced and there is a great array of jewellery associated with piercing.


Gladiator Heels contra 纏足、「美しさや歩き方 」?

Gladiator Heels: Footed & Ready
The latest foot fetish hitting the red carpets, and pavement, this summer has some height on last year's foot armor. Last year's ubiquitous gladiator sandals are getting a lift and adding an extra kick to Hollywood starlets' red carpet looks

===== 「美しさや歩き方 」? 女足の緊縛、 娘役の調教

// 纏足(てんそく)とは、幼児期より足に布を巻かせ、足が大きくならないようにするという、かつて中国で女性に対して行われていた風習をいう。


纏足文化ができた原因は、小さい足の女性の方が美しいと考えられたからである。小さく美しく施された靴を纏足の女性に履かせ、その美しさや歩き方などの仕草を楽しんだようである。纏足の女性はうまく歩けないことから、女性支配の手段にもなっていたと考えられる。また、バランスをとるために、内股の筋肉が発達するため、女性の局部の筋肉も発達すると考えられていた。 このようなことから、蒙昧な時代には纏足を施していない女には嫁の貰い手がなかったという。
// 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

Australian Museum > Body Art > Shaping > Footbinding
Chinese folklore attributes the origins of footbinding to a fox who tried to conceal its paws while assuming the human guise of the Shang Empress. Another version suggests that the Empress had a club foot and insisted that all women bind their feet so that hers became the model for beauty in the court.

Bounded Patriarchy - The Story Of Footbinding by Julia Linzey
Throughout time women have bounded, changed, anchored, formed, deformed, mutilated, manipulated, damaged, and altered their bodies in order to survive in the state society. Footbinding is just one of the many ways in which Chinese women have participated in and became bound to patriarchy.

Painful Memories for China's Footbinding Survivors
by Louisa Lim
Suffering for beauty is a concept familiar to most women, who have dyed, plucked or shaved their hair, squeezed their feet into uncomfortable high heels or even surgically enhanced parts of their anatomy. Millions of Chinese women went even further — binding their feet to turn them into the prized "three-inch golden lotuses."



2007 SF PRIDE Through the Eyes of a Dyke On A BikeDykes on Bikes San Francisco Gay Pride 1989

Lesbian Bike Group Leads Gay Pride Parade
Some Motorcycles Had 'Just Married' Signs
POSTED: 3:14 pm PDT June 29, 2008
UPDATED: 8:11 am PDT June 30, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO -- A lesbian motorcycle group dressed in bridal veils and wedding gowns lent a matrimonial touch to San Francisco's gay pride parade Sunday as revelers celebrated their newfound freedom to marry. The Dykes on Bikes tossed bouquets as they led the city's 38th annual gay pride parade down Market Street. Some of the motorcycles were adorned with signs that read "Just Married."

SF Pride Parade
Dykes on Bike


Other Dykes on Bikes® Clubs
Australia, Canada, UK, USA



Think Different


Scans see 'gay brain differences'
The brains of gay men and women look like those found in heterosexual people of the opposite sex, research suggests.

Gay Is Not All in the Genes
environmental influences--including the environment in the womb--may play a greater role than genes

Homosexual Behavior Largely Shaped By Genetics And Random Environmental Factors
genetics and environmental factors (which are specific to an individual, and may include biological processes such as different hormone exposure in the womb), are important determinants of homosexual behaviour.


Coming Out with Pride

I'm Coming Out

I'm coming out
I want the world to know
Got to let it show
I'm coming out
I want the world to know
I got to let it show

There's a new me coming out
And I just had to live
And I wanna give
I'm completely positive ....

India's gays in first nationwide marches
KOLKATA (AFP) — Gays, lesbians and transvestites took to the streets of three major Indian cities in the first nationally coordinated pride marches aimed at overturning a law forbidding homosexuality.

Gay pride march debuts in Delhi
BBC - Monday, 30 June 2008 09:03 UK
Hundreds of gay rights supporters have marched in the Indian capital, Delhi, for the first time. Gays, lesbians and transgender people gathered in the central Connaught Place area in what was the country's largest ever display of gay pride.

S.F. revels in annual outpouring of gay pride
(06-29) 21:38 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- There's nothing like celebrating marriage with hundreds of thousands of your closest friends. Less than two weeks after same-sex marriage became legal in California, drag queens, kids, politicians, shirtless men, married couples, straight couples and tourists flocked to San Francisco for the city's 38th annual San Francisco Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Celebration, which culminated Sunday with a huge parade.

Canadian military personnel march in the Gay Pride parade for the fist time
TORONTO — Hundreds of revellers danced, shimmied, and strutted their way through downtown Toronto Sunday in the Gay Pride parade - and for the first time, members of the Canadian Armed Forces were among them.


Sisters Are Doing It


Dannii & Kylie Minogue - Sisters Are Doing It

Aretha Franklin,Eurythmics - Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves
Now there was a time when they used to say
That behind every - great man.
There had to be a - great woman.
But in these times of change you know
That its no longer true.
So were comin out of the kitchen
cause theres somethin we forgot to say to you (we say)

Sisters are doin it for themselves.
Standin on their own two feet.
And ringin on their own bells.
Sisters are doin it for themselves.

Campaigning lesbian couple to tie knot in Los Angeles
Robin Tyler and Diane Olson's four-year battle for the right to marry will end where it began on Monday, when the women exchange vows on the steps of Beverly Hills Courthouse to become the first same-sex couple to tie the knot in Los Angeles County.

Gay Marriage Is Good for America
By order of its state Supreme Court, California began legally marrying same-sex couples this week. The first to be wed in San Francisco were Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, pioneering gay-rights activists who have been a couple for more than 50 years.




Nothing gonna save your one last dime
cause it owns you
Through and through ...
- Who Made Who, AC/DC

記号消費と想像の流儀 ....

Shopping obsession sells women short
By the time you reach the end of this article, if you are a woman between the age of 19 and 45 you will have thought about shopping approximately twice ...


Sex Survey ... Coming

// Sex survey

  • One out of five women have starred in their own sex tape

  • 22% of women surveyed have had some sexual experience with other women (even though less than 12% identify as lesbian or bi-sexual)

  • One out of four women surveyed look at porn regularly (at least once a month)

  • Half the women surveyed have had 'phone sex'


AUSTRALIAN women have welcomed technology into their sex lives, with one in five admitting to a sexual encounter in an internet chatroom.

Aussie women embrace homemade sex tapes, survey finds


"Give back our teacher": Aussie Kids & Parents

Teacher sacked over nude photo shoot
A Sydney primary school teacher has been sacked for participating in a magazine nude photo shoot with her partner.

I'd do it again: nude teacher

Kids threatened over support for their nude teacher
Waving home-made signs and shouting "Give back our teacher", the pint-sized activists joined their parents yesterday in a protest urging the school to reinstate popular year one teacher

Teacher reinstated after nude photo row
A Sydney primary school teacher who was suspended from duties after posing nude in a magazine is allowed to teach again.
