
「夜中まで灯をともす」(残業する)= 労災:精神疾患

Midnight Oil - Beds are BurningMidnight Oil - Dead Hearts

// Work stress causing depression: study
Posted Mon Jun 2, 2008

At a time when the Prime Minister is famously burning the midnight oil and encouraging public servants to do the same, public health researcher Tony LaMontagne says our jobs are actually making us sick.

// one in six cases of depression caused by job stress

A MELBOURNE University study shows almost one in six cases of depression among working Victorians were caused by job stress.

According to Associate Professor Tony LaMontagne, who led the study, employers should be aware of the strain unreasonable work demands can have on the mental health of their workers. This could result in increased burden on the health system and increased absenteeism.

According to VicHealth, ... employers should do more to promote good health as opposed to being the cause of health problems.

// 過労自殺が最多、30歳代が急増 - 東京
2007年05月18日 11:09

【東京 18日 AFP】2006年度、「過労自殺」で労災認定を受けた人が66人(うち1人は未遂)と過去最多になったことが16日、厚生労働省のまとめで分かった。 また、精神障害で労災が認められた人 ...//

// 労災:精神疾患、最多に 過労自殺も 若年層へ広がり--厚労省07年度まとめ

毎日新聞 2008年5月24日 東京朝刊//

// 増え続ける精神労災、自殺

本間 俊典(2008-05-29 11:40)//

// 若者を傷める「過労大国」日本
本間 俊典(2007-05-24 11:40)//
